Do you like fresh, hard-edged short fiction? Do you like beer and/or other alcoholic beverages? Are you not Jewish and/or not attending a seder this Passover? Are you in New York City? Then come to
Pacific Standard this Wednesday, April 8 (yes, the first night of "Pesach") to hear Sari read from her excellent, newly published story "Patriotic Dead." She'll be there with a contingent of fictioners from
Slice #4, as part of Pacific Standard's reading series. Details, you say? Yes...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009, 6:30-8 pm
Pacific Standard, or Jon & John's House of Starchy Living and Temperance Den, "a cozy, relaxed West Coast microbrew pub"
82 Fourth Avenue (between St. Marks and Bergen Streets), Brooklyn
See you there?