Check out this week's Gambit Weekly (New Orleans' alternative weekly) cover story for a feature on the Alternative Media Expo, created and run by none other than
A.D.'s very own Leo McGovern (a.k.a.
antigravity_no ). I'll be down in NOLA this weekend as a "special guest" of the Expo, and the GW piece devotes a large chunk to A.D. and Leo's role in it.
The Expo is happening this Saturday, Feb. 23, from noon-7 pm, at the Warehouse at the Contemporary Arts Center (900 Camp Street), New Orleans, Louisiana. For those of you in the Crescent City, there's no better deal for your $5 than the Expo: comics, zines, fashion, photography, film, arts, and crafts - over 80 exhibitors! So swing by to say hi, pick up a signed A.D. giveaway, and check out what the Expo has to offer.
Besides attending the Expo, I'll be using my weekend visit to gather more material for future chapters, meet up with whichever "characters" are in town, eat some great food, listen to some live music, and the like.
More info about the Expo
here and
here (which also features a great
spoof of the classic
Charles Atlas "Hey Skinny" or "The Insult That Made a Man Out of Mac!" ad).
(By the way, did you know I did a version of the "Mac" ad once too? Yep, as an assignment for Fortune Small Business (FSB) magazine. It's kind of obscure, but
here it is anyway. Someday, I'd like to see someone collect all the parodies, pastiches, tributes, and homages to that one ad.
This Gene Kannenberg piece is the closes thing I could find.)
[Cross-posted to