Seriously, I need to see a head doctor soon. My health (physical most esp MENTAL) are starting to suffer big time. So, I wake up thinking about A/G. I come online to have my daily fix of A/G. I read/reread all the A/G fics that I've printed off. I watch A/G vids saved on my Youtube channel. I watch The Once & Future Queen & Sweet Dreams at least 2x a day. I talk to my sisters and brothers about A/G. When am eating am thinking about A/G. When am watching romantic movies like Enchanted and Ever After am imagining Gwen playing Giselle/Cinderella and Arthur playing McDreamy/Prince Henry. I even daydream about Bradley and Angel hooking up. Yes, I know am going to hell for that. Then I go to bed still thinking about A/G. I even dream about A/G. And am dang so happy all the freakin time coz of A/G!
I don't even have a life anymore. A/G is my life. So, anyone who knows a good Psychiatrist?
Oh and have any of you watched the 2 EPIC kisses with SO CLOSE or Fallin For You (by Colbie Caillat) as the background music instead of the actual music from the show?
Anyways, here's the picspam. I hope you guys like. Comments are LOVE just like A/G!
Arthur & Gwen Fansite