Apr 28, 2009 04:12
Sorry, guys. Just really, really tired. But have a bit of TB and 'Aid.
"... you seen Havoc?"
"Nah. Need 'im for somethin'?"
"No, just wondering where he is. I haven't seen nose nor aft of that sparklet of yours."
"Heh. Your kid too, mind. C'mere."
"Trail - TB!"
"What? Jus' takin' advantage of the situation."
"Yes, well - hey - TB - wait, where do you think your hands are going - slaggit 'Breaker, put me down! Down!"
"Oh, so you wanna 'face in the middle of the hallway, hmm?"
"I said putmedownIcanwal - walk - 'Breaker - "
" - or in the middle o' Control, y'know, or I reckon we could get 'Sides to set up some camera doohickey - broadcast you writhin' underneath me hands, 'm sure your brothers'd love that - ooh, I hear coolin' fans a-goin' already. Heh."
"... oh, you glitch."
"Stop squirmin', you'll scrape yer paint."
"Quarters. Now."
"Mmm. Love ya too, darl."
first aid,
first aid/trailbreaker,