[One Hundred and Sixteen]

Jun 15, 2008 23:17



came home from work the other day to find this at...my neighbor's doorstep, not mine. no problem, it had my name on it, at least. curiously, though, the package was devoid of the sender's name and address.

but i could clearly see, it was from overseas. the UK, to be specific. if you squint hard enough, you can see it, too, probabaly, under "royal mail."

"cadeau," said the packet under "customs declaration."

this was my gift: turtle and pear. obviously, the sender knows me and my preferences very well.

nestled in the bubblewrap of the package, was a giant white envelope.

it's a card, with a humongous peony on the cover. they say, in the language of flowers, the peony means happy marriage.
it also means shame, apparently

a poem! a poem of love and adoration. the style is familiar...so similar to kizuna...

and no wonder! it's from kame himself! kame, my secret admirer. my beloved kazu-chan. ♥

guys, kame wrote me a raburetaa from all the way across the atlantic. rhey/kame is going worldwide. *_*

but that isn't the point. the point here is that asldkja;sldk KAME IS IN THE UK YOU GUYS QJWSLAKJ;KFLKSJFKAZUCHAN KYAAAA STALKS!!!11!

he's so cute. he dots his 'i's with hearts. ♥_♥

mer and i need a name for our unit, love is in the air, rhey/kame is the real otp

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