[Have a vaguely bemused Atsuro in the video screen.]
Huh... So I've been 18 for a few days now, although I kinda missed my birthday with everything going on, I guess. But since time's supposedly stopped back home, I'm both 17 and 18 at the same time?
Confusing, huh?
[Pause. Huhhhh. RIGHT ONTO MAIN TOPIC.]Say, I was wondering what the situation
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[ ... Carl is from the year 2199, derp. UH YEAH. Having two birthdays doesn't seem weird to him as much as cars existing at all does. His logic fails. ]
[ A pause, in which he messes with his tophat. But this is kinda cool, this guy must be from the PAST. ] Were cars always considered birthday presents...?
Carl's next question makes him stop in confusion, before he laughs.] Haha, I don't think so! You have to be 18 before you can get a driver's license though...where I'm from, I mean. Although it's a little different here, hehe. [BECAUSE WOO he's already "learned" to drive. Yipee for AU memories =P]
Airplanes? I wonder if those are anything like airships...? Don't you, Sis? Maybe they use armagus power to move...?
[ Talking to his doll offscreen yes he is. A pause, and a frown. He doesn't like adults. 8| ] O-oh, I see. That's about the right age for 'adults'...
Haha, the coming of age actually happens when we turn twenty, so I still have two years to go!
[ Thoughtful. There is totally a reason for his inquiry it's more him just wondering... when you turn a certain age do you automatically LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING AND SUCK? HE ISN'T SURE. ] ... Oh, I see. So you're almost an adult... but it's kind of funny that you'll probably also always be a kid if you're here long enough. I didn't think it was possible to be both!
Man, that's kinda depressing to think about...being here long enough, I mean. Even if time isn't passing back home and things don't look that great, I'd rather return sooner rather than later and...take care of things. [i.e. assist best friend-kun to BEAT UP GOD WOO]
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