Masters swim class

Aug 29, 2009 07:16

Since this was the first week of classes, all rec center classes were free, so that people can try them out. I went to masters swim on Wednesday and Friday mornings, and I definitely will be signing up for it for the rest of the semester. My current exercise plan is to do a bike ride on Monday, swim Wednesday and Friday, and do some fun athletic activity on the weekend.

The first two lanes at the class were slower people, who did a shorter workout. I was the slowest of the people who did a longer workout, but I still finished in time. I wasn't sure I'd be able to, since it was the longest swim workout I've ever done (roughly 2 miles total). I wasn't nearly as sore as I thought I'd be afterward, though I definitely could have used a nap later. I brought a bottle of homemade sports drink (water, honey, lemon juice, salt), which I was very glad I had during the workout.

Here's what we did on Wednesday (units of yards):
Warmup: 200 freestyle, 200 kick, 200 pull (arms only)
3x300 easy, medium, then hard
400 kick, 400 pull
500 for time (mine was 9:52)
3x100 trading off fast length/slow length
2x100 races
2x50 races
Cooldown: 100 easy

And on Friday:
Warmup: 20x25
20x50 on 1:00, each 5 going harder- though they all took me about 50s.
20x100, 5 kick, 5 pull, 5 IM*, 5 hard/easy
10x25 drill

*I never learned how to do breaststroke properly, and I was afraid to try my butterfly with so many people around, so I just did freestyle and backstroke.

By the way, I'll probably keep logging my swim workouts through the semester, so I can see my progress, but I'll filter them, because they're not of general interest. If you want to see them, let me know and I'll put you on that filter.

workout log

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