Apr 28, 2009 11:22
CSPG 20th Anniversary Portfolio
To celebrate our 20th Anniversary, CSPG will produce a limited edition portfolio with 3-5 silkscreen posters. We are calling for poster design entries that address a critical issue facing our communities today such as global warming, the economy, healthcare, immigration, the Prison Industrial Complex, violence against women, war, etc.
Winning designs will be reproduced in an edition of 125 silkscreen prints. Winning artists will receive 20% of the print run and a complete portfolio. Paper or digital submissions will be accepted and multiple entries are welcome. There are no geographic limitations.
Winning artists will need to provide color separations or prepare a digital file for color separations.
Please keep designs to 3-4 colors. All entries will become a permanent part of CSPG's archives.
Submission Deadline: June 30, 2009
Please label submissions: 20th Anniversary Portfolio
Send posters/designs to:
8124 West Third Street, Suite 211
Los Angeles, CA 90048-4309