Nov 26, 2006 15:10
So finally MJK has got around to launching his own site. I guess it humanises the guy a little more with a few things he's been up to and some points of view. Not so fucken weird after all.
I got quite a laugh out of his latest entry though ...
"Jet Lag 11/21/06:Been catching up on theMinimum Wage Increase pros and cons babble coming out of my chosen homestate of Arizona. Most of the arguments against have to do with thesupposedly inevitable back lash of corner cutting done by smallbusiness owners. The first items to go will be Health Insurance. Nowbefore I get rolling here, keep in mind, I’m no expert on the issue ofHealthcare or the Minimum Wage. I’m just a big mouth with a blog.Having said that… I have no opinion whatsoever regarding the minimumwage. For my level of understanding, it’s far too complex an issue onwhich to comment. However, on the matter of health care, and thisdoesn’t have anything to do with the elderly, people with terminaldiseases, congenital disorders, etc… Here is my 2 cents. Most of usdon’t deserve basic healthcare. We are a nation of lazy, barelyeducated dip shits shoving fast food, diet cokes, red bulls, andfunyuns down the old face hole while chain smoking. Then we run to thedoctor after every little sniffle and he gives us some new and improvedsuper antibiotics we don’t actually need. If that pretty much sums upyour cycle, you can stop wondering why you get sick all the time. Youlack sound mind and sound body. Basically you’re an idiot. Insurancecompanies and small business owners would save billions per year ifthey made balanced diets and physical exercise a prerequisite for basichealth care. You know. Eat something green now and then. No, I don’tmean Gummi Hulks with Jalapeno Doritos with a St. Patty’s day greenbeer chaser. And I’m not suggesting you turn into Jack Fuckin Lalaneeither. Just go for a damn walk now and then. If you’re lethargic andhave a shit diet then you should have a matching shitty health careplan. One that provides you with nothing more than caffeine laced friedsugar pills, and a one-way ticket to the tar pits so you can become afossil fuel source for future generations."