(no subject)

Sep 11, 2009 13:41

i know i flip flip around a lot because i get frustrated and just want a quick fix, but honestly i want to be healthy. my mom and i are going grocery shopping together in a bit and we've decided we're going to eat healthy together. we're going to pre-make our meals so we've got no excuses and we're going to be lean toned goddesses. it's done.

i'm not giving myself a deadline. that's it. yes, the boy's birthday is in 12 days but you know what, we've been together for 4 years now, we started dating when i was at my highest weight (hell the day we met and he says he first "fell" for me i wasn't even wearing makeup and i had sweat pants on). he loves me, no matter what size i am, and he's constantly been complimenting me and encouraging me on how healthy i look, and how lean i've gotten, why would i fuck that up by starving myself? why would i consume so little that my body eats the muscle i've worked over the past year to obtain? it's stupid. and i won't do it.

i will look like audrina, i will have six-pack abs (hot feminine ones), i will have the most killer body, ever. if it takes time, then it takes time and i'm okay with that because when my hard work and dedication pays off, it'll all be worth it.

i know i said i'm not giving myself a deadline but realistically, i can be in some form of great shape by the summer... thats like 9 months away... i'm not huge now i just need to clean up my eating habits and workout more regularly than i have been (again). i need to get back to my love of the gym, and running. i will do this.

all that being said, i'm having chicken alfredo for dinner. i don't care, i've been craving it for almost 2 weeks now and i've resisted so i'm letting myself have it. tomorrow mom and i will cook up a storm of amazing, healthy, eat-clean meals.

and to top it all off, i don't think i'm going to weigh myself. maybe once and a while just to see where i'm at, but not obsessively and i'm not going to care what the scale says. muscle weighs more than fat, and i want muscle. if i'm not 100lbs, then so be it... i'm not a 100lbs, but i sure as hell will have one hot body.

lastly, i've got a backup outfit plan for the boys birthday, and honestly i think i may even like it better. same shirt, but with my skinny jeans that never fail at making me look skinny, the new shoes and a cute black blazer i plan on purchasing this week. still sexy, but less i'm trying to be sexy.... and much less pressure on me to feel like i need to starve.

i'm returning the skirt i bought yesterday. it's just bad motivation and i'd rather get a nice black blazer with that money instead, which would actually be slimming and more timeless and get more use out of it than the skirt.
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