HOMG! Life, I'm not ready!

May 12, 2011 00:33

 So the feature I'm working on is beginning principal shooting in *glances at watch* 32 hours.

I've been working on preproduction since January, under the supervision of the director/producer. The first staff hired on. I've seen crew sign on, flake out, and sign off the project.

I was there when we casted, advertised, and hired most of the crew. When we had our first crew meeting, cast rehearsals, make up tests, budget revisions, union wavers papers...

I feel like I've helped raised this film from infancy to it's teenage years of production. It's weird to think that the camera is going to be rolling soon. And it's even weirder to know that my work isn't even half done.

Being on set is exciting. All the creative energy people bring in, swarming together with a common love for what they're making with their own imaginations and collaborations.

I know that it will be drama-filled (all film sets are), and full of unforeseeable problems, and also some problems that should have been foreseen. But still, I'm really looking forward to this.

Wish me luck!

film, real life b.s.

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