Craziness, plus no LJ or email!

Dec 04, 2005 16:41

Hi everyone! Wow, it's been awhile.

First, in case anyone's been wondering why I've been so incommunicado lately, my laptop recently stopped working (it won't charge or turn on) and this has put a serious wrench in my access to my email and in my access to livejournal. I've mainly been using my work laptop to listen to the radio (since I don't get radio reception in my apartment, and my morning ritual involves listening to NPR for an hour before getting dressed etc, I'm used to rolling over in bed and firing up the laptop first thing) and cruise the internet etc, but the network firewall won't let me access email or "chat" sites. So no yahoo and no LJ.

I do have an old Imac in the corner of my apartment, but since I'm used to checking email in bed either right before I go to sleep or right after I wake up, it doesn't fit into my normal routine to go over behind the sofa and fire it up. Normally I'd do it anyway, but the past few weeks (and the next few) are not normal.

I'm starting my new job at my company December 12th (that's the Monday of that week, right?) and in preparation I am a) frantically training new people to do what I do; b) frantically writing up procedural manuals for all the things that I do, so that said new people will have something to refer to; and c) frantically cleaning up a lot of loose end projects that are each too small to be worth passing onto other people, but add up to a bunch of annoying stuff to do. Hence lots of overtime. Plus, in an effort to save money (since I won't get a paycheck reflecting the new, somewhat higher salary until 12/30) I am knitting all my Christmas presents from my yarn stash, and thus am frantically knitting whenever I'm not working.

Anyway, things are frantically busy, not least because I agreed to spend most of this weekend helping my mom decorate for Christmas this weekend. Which has been very nice...putting up the nativity scenes and advent calenders, going out and getting a tree, putting up the tree lights, setting up her little village of ceramic houses, listening to christmas music and lighting a few candles while the snow gently falls outside...but I really don't have time for it. Hence the fact that my apartment has hardly any decorations up at all, just the advent calendars that I pulled out last night because hey, it's already December 4th. Argh!

So, anyway, I'll say lots more later in December, but right now I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Amazingly, I'm not feeling panicked or excessively overwhelmed...I'm still in a very good mood. Just, very frantic. And I really must get around to doing some housework, because I'm about to run out of clean clothes. Just hasn't been a priority lately!
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