Dec 08, 2004 15:00
i've decided to go vegetarian again because bartol has been kicking my tummy's ass lately.
i have a feeling that i bombed my bio test today. hopefully im a good guesser.
i go home in thirteen days;
i leave for florida in fifteen days.
i have a good feeling about my finals, i have more than a week to prepare for them.
i only have two finals this semester.
i hate writing papers.
i am handing my final MCC paper in tomorrow; i am writing it on the history of the advertising of feminine hygiene products.
i have to do two bio labs and 2 chemistry labs by tonight.
i also have to find time for a nap because i stayed up until 5am studying for biology.
im going to see the ducky boys with andrea on friday.
after this week is over, life's gonna be a breeze.