Title: A Maka for All Seasons (Drabble 8)
Art Medium: Faaaaaanfic!!!! :DDDD
d_angelRating: T
Character: Maka, Soul
Theme #: Table 2 - 32. Passion, 42. Addicted & 29. Shiver
Disclaimer: It's not mine, see? :D
Description: A little piece about Maka's addiction for books and Soul's addiction for her: what happens when two worlds collide. A collection of Maka-centric drabbles.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5015944/8/ Crudapples. Over three weeks of writer's block because I kept trying to write something smutty and it never worked. My brain just isn't wired to do it, it seems. D: Ah, well. Have some MakaxSoul goodness, wot?