Mar 30, 2005 01:33
In just one month school will be over..not counting exams! I cant wait!!!!!!!!!!! I talked to nicole tonight and its come to the conclusion that right now as the school year is being wound down to the wire that its just too busy of a time to try and think about dating anyone. But when summer comes we are gonna have time to see each other and time to hang out which is good. Also it will help us out to get to know each other a lot better, Im patient and I believe that she is worth the time to be patient with. She's got a rough tough side to her, but at the same time she has a sweet side to her. I like both combinations...that explains why I liked/dated cathleen and, you all werent bad you all were great girls!! Im proud and honored to have both of you in and part of my life :)!! I will say one thing this will be one interesting summer, and I think you all will prob agree cause it seems like it will be a whole new summer that no one is used to. anyway off to bed good night yall,later