Holy crap, it's almost been a month since I've posted!

Mar 17, 2008 11:10

So ... the other day I scared my girlfriends cat so bad that it peed itself. I literally didn't know this was possible. And to top it all off, I didn't even touch the dang cat.

See, as I got out of bed, I had an inane urge to chase her Tortie around the house a bit. Being smart, I decided to at least put a pair of boxers on, so that the dangling bits wouldn't scare the cat, or look like lovely cat toys.

Precious jewels accounted for, I walked into the living room and saw the cat looking out the window. I slowly started tip-toeing over to it with my hands out (almost zombie-esque, but more bent towards the ground to facilitate kitty petting). The cat? It stops looking out the window. I guess the sound of my cotton-based socks scraping over the super soft carpet must have offended her or something.

Either way, the cat looked up, saw me coming and her eyes widened, she meowed loudly and bolted ... except she never stopped looking at me. It was like a deer caught in headlights, only the cat was smart enough to move her legs. Unfortunately, since she was staring at me and not where she was going, she ran straight into a wall, meowed in a very surprised tone, wet herself and then flopped into a little shaking ball of fluff.

As noted before ... I didn't even touch the dang cat. I'm literally curious as to what would have happened had I not been smart enough to put boxers on in the first place. You know ... solely so that I wouldn't scare the cat. *sighs*


Hey ... wait a second ... girlfriend??? Yes kidlets, that's right ... I'm off the market again. Been dating a really stellar lady that is turning out to possess a large portion of the things I look for in a girlfriend and she has already shown me more trust and respect than I got through the duration of my last relationship, so I'm pretty damn happy.

Realistically, there has been a lot going on in the last month, but I'm out of time ... so I'll have to update you all a bit better on things going on in my life soon. Hope things have been swell with you too.
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