Name/Nickname:Seeka the Swordfish
Age: 21
Taken or Single Taken
Occupation: Student. Work study at the registrar office at my college.
Describe your personality in three words:
1) Impulsive
2) Imaginative
3) Friendly
General Stuff
What's your best quality?: I am a loyal person to those I truly care for.
What's your worst quality?: Sometimes I can be a bit too introverted.
Hobbies?: Reading, taking pictures while driving to new places, eating good food, making collages every
now and then while i'm high, going into Manhattan every now and then, museums, walking in wildlife parks,
camping when the weather is right.
Talents?: I have to ability to pass all of my classes with flying colors even if I could care less about
what I am learning. That is a kind of lame ability, sorry.
Pet peeves?: Just complete ignorance in the world around you and only caring about yourself, when
people constantly interrupt a conversation, not having weed.
If you had three wishes (excluding wanting more wishes), what would they be? To own my own little
cabin in the Catskill Mountains or some other mountains...that is pretty much all I can think of. I'm high.
Do you believe in God?: I'm not really sure, I like to learn all I can about many religions and spirituality.
I guess I am just undecided. I would like to though.
What's the significance of your lj name? The lead singer of Atmosphere. I made the name 3 or so
years ago when I was big into Atmosphere and the lead man Slug. I still think he is pretty awesome though.
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite book(s): "A Strange Piece of Paradise" by Terri Jentz. Real interesting true crime/travel book.
Favorite cereal: Mmmm I really love cereal of all kinds. I gotta go with plain old honey nut cheerios though.
Real good with fruit cut up into it. Yess, give me some please.
Favorite musical artist(s): Hmm I will always have to say The Beatles, I grew up with a hard core Beatles
family and there music never gets old to me. Perfect.
Favorite movie(s): Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. It is just perfect for a Johnny Deep loving,
Hunter S. Thompson adoring, pot head.
Favorite food: Buffalo wings, I love hot sauce!
Favorite quote, and why?: Hmm, a tough one. "I think when you are born an angel should say to you, hopefully kindly and not in the fake voice of an airline attendant: Here you go on this long, long dream. Don't even try to wake up. Just let it go on until it is over. You will learn many things. Just relax and observe because there just is pain and that's it mostly and you aren't going to be able to escape no matter what. Eventually it will all be over anyway. Good luck." From a Francesca Lia Block book.
This or That
Leader or Follower?: Follower.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?:Optimistic, for the most part.
Dogs or Cats?: Dogs.
Money or Love?:Love.
Day or Night?:Night.
To be or Not to be?:Not to be.
Yay! The drugs!
Do you prefer to smoke alone or with friends?: Lately, friends. I think it changes on what your mood is
that day.
Do you smoke middies or dank?:Dank, mostly.
How often do you toke up?: Every night, sometimes during a day I have not much to do..
Joint or blunt:Joints.
Favorite flavor blunt: Blueberry yum yum.
Roller or hand rolled: Hand rolled, it's a craft. hehe.
Do you roll or does someone else do it?: It depends on who has some papers handy at the time.
What was your first high like?: I didn't get too high, we sat around and watched Crank Yankers on tv.
I just got sleepy.
What's the most fun you've had while high?: Man, the most fun I had was going into Central Park
and getting really high. We played around and just had a weird, stoned adventure. Then when we were feeling
a little more human, walked down to an awesome ice cream parlor and split a GIANT ice cream sunadae
with all kinds of cookies and stuff.
What's the worst thing you've gone through while high?: I drank a little and smoked together.
Smoked a huge bong hit of keef for the first time and got soo sick. Before that I always thought weed would
never make me sick but mixing that with alcohol just give me the spins.
What other drugs do you do?: Shrooms from time to time, Acid once, other than that not too much.
I just love my mary jane.
Any drugs you've tried that you wouldn't do again?:Nope.
Any drugs you've never tried and never will?: Meth. Not messing with that mess of a substance.
Make us laugh (Joke, picture, anything!):
sorry, I got out of hand. I could post funny photos forever.
How did you find this community?: Somehow through Stonergirls community.
How often do you post?: Many times during the week, whenever i'm high and chillin around.
Promote this community in TWO places (using the banners on the info page) and give us links to where you promoted: Anything else (Really, anything you want to include. Don't leave this blank or we'll be sad pandas.):
Family Guy is fuckin awesome!