Pardon My Ignorance, Please.

Dec 09, 2008 18:55

I'm not quite sure why I don't understand what's going on. I hate when I don't understand something. Bother's the hell out of me.

[What] I'm referring too is the new Transformers character that IDW and co. have recently introduced. Drift. If you haven't heard of him, you either live under a rock or your just a random person whose reading this. I do understand (I guess I do) that some TF fans are a little unsure about him, seeing that apparently he's getting way to much attention, he's just a 'anime fan geek dream come true' (and being an Anime fan I'll admit there is something appealing about him) or whatever like that. I honestly think (even with the lack of reading AHM yet -here's not a comic store anywhere near by my town and the closes one isn't relyable enough for me and I can't order stuff on-line. -) that IDW and the people whom are writing the story and deciding what goes where and who does what are doing a great job.

Yes we all love the old characters - you know whom I'm talking about - but its a fact of life that new things must come.  "Out with the old in with the new" . . . okay wait not that's not right but you get what I'm talking about. At least, last time I check, they haven't booted any of our fav's out yet.

I HOPE THEY DON'T! b/c knowing my luck it will be Optimus X__x

Though, I kinda do want to know what happened to him>__>. I've read/picked up AHM issue 1 and was like "WTF" at the end. "I totally missed something didn't I" But anyway, like I was saying, I honestly think its about time that they introduced a new line of characters AND for once 'serious' characters. The characters that IDW has brought to use in Infiltration, Escalation, Devastation, All Hail Megatron, the Spotlight's and everything in between appeals to my side that wants to see a more serious, mature, and maybe even frightening side of something like [The Transformers]. Everything else (TF:Animated) for example has humor/comedy etched into it and made for the kids. What about the adults? Or the people who like seriousness every so often?

I've been waiting a long time to see something regarding with the Transformers that isn't 'the TF's your parent's grew up with'. And so far the `07TF movie (the 'final' battle for example) and these comics has gotten as close as I could get. The comics more so.

Sorry, sorry. Getting off topic.

I mean aren't the original Transformers (I'm referring the the actual toys and what knot) from Japan? Companies like Hasbro for example like to appeal to every culture right? That's what they have Takara and Tomy. Eh I really don't know. I don't really look deep into Hasbro an all those companies. Its not something I do but I can honestly say I don't quite get it.

I understand that yeah he's knew, humans are afraid of things they don't know about right? But give the dude a chance at least don't go bitching about him. Complaining that 'you don't know him' and 'they shouldn't be giving him a spotlight because he's not ''developed' enough'. What the crap! Isn't that at least a little of the reason why they made Spotlight! I mean it implies it in its title. SPOTLIGHT. Jeez. It helps use get a little more into the characters head. How else are we going to get to know him better?

Okay I'll shut up now. Just wanted to throw out my opinion even if I know it really doesn't matter either way. Hasbro can do what they want. please keep allowing IDW to do what their doing. I like their comics >__< and the characters regardless.

Yeah. . .the majority of that was probably incoherent, but whatever. . . .

I wish I could grab AHM and see what all the fuss is about and I honestly can say I can't wait to pick up Drift's Spotlight.

- 41.

tf!comics, rant, idw, hasbro, ramblings

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