Dec 24, 2010 12:39
well its christmas eve and the main thing on my mind is how i feel like i live in a frat house because of the utter mess. I cannot put up with this shit if you clean every fucking day how is it that you have just as much to do the next day. oh yeah cause im the only one that does it and you don't put any laundry away or wash dishes or go through your stuff from moving a year and a half ago although i have. can't even water the GD xmas tree. I need that bag from harry potter that can hold everything or either a lighter to burn all this crap. god i feel better now--
I got an interview to Richmond ambulance authority on tuesday and then the written test for henrico the 8th. lets hope i get the fire fighter job for 38,000 a year, at least i can guarentee the RAA job for 9.50 an hour. I need my own place preferably away from this city.