Jul 06, 2014 22:36
So it's official. I'm a real grown-up, with a real grown-up job with serious responsibilities and a real grown-up salary. I'm living with my fiance/soon-to-be husband, and we're thinking about buying a house. I do not feel old enough for any of this to be happening.
This year has been pretty crazy stressful so far. I moved to Pittsburgh at the beginning of the year. It has been nice finally getting to play house with Chris. The transition has been really easy. I think we've really only fought once for real, and it was over pretty quick. We make pretty awesome roomies. I had five weeks off in February where I played a lot of WoW, but also interviewed for and landed my first real big girl job with RxPartner's in Bridgeville. Graduation was at the end of April and I started my new job the very next day. So far it's been pretty awesome. Everyone there is super nice and I think I've been doing pretty well with learning everything.
I recently was given an opportunity to move back to Altoona and work at their pharmacy there. Mountain City. I even like the name of it better. There's a slight risk of longevity for that business, but the chance to move back home is too tempting to pass up. We're even considering trying to buy a house there.
I found out I passed my NAPLEX this past Tuesday. Still waiting on PA to make my license official, but I still feel amazingly relieved. I don't think I even realized how stressed out and depressed I really have been for the past couple months with those exams hanging over my head.
Now I get to start really stressing over the wedding. Woohoo! I went MOB dress shopping with my mom today. She's being really difficult with this decision. I want her to love her dress, but it's getting pretty late in the game and they're leaving for Ireland this week for 10 days. It'll work out I guess. I'm sure I'll have a stress dream about it in the mean time.
For serious this time though, I would like to start writing here more often. I've realized that, without the stress and guilt of studying hanging over my head during free time, I might actually feel motivated enough to do something more legitimate with it. I bought a book, I'm thinking about trying to make my own pickles, maybe canning something. Haha, we'll see. Or I'll just spend my time looking at recipes on Pinterest, like nothing has really changed.
Shopping really takes it out of me for some reason.. It's bed time...