Fandom 3

Feb 28, 2009 21:08

Title: Complications
Fandom: Lewis
Pairing: Mild Hathaway/Lewis.
Rating: PG
Summary: Set just after The Great and the Good. Hathaway thinks about how complicated everything has become.

At about four in the morning, Hathaway saw that Lewis had apparently finally given up looking through the papers and was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. Hathaway couldn’t blame him - as far as he was concerned, all the writing was beginning to blur unpleasantly together anyway. With a sigh, he dropped his sheaf of papers and made his way over to where his inspector was sitting, plunking himself down next to him.

“I know it’s here,” Lewis said, without opening his eyes. “I know it’s here.”

“We haven’t found anything yet, Sir” Hathaway ventured.

“I know that!” Lewis snapped. “But it’s here.”

Hathaway said nothing and felt Lewis droop a little beside him. He couldn’t blame the man for being angry. What was happening was horrendous and Hathaway cursed Oswald Cooper for putting the idea in Lewis’s mind. The man had been a dishonest bastard in life and Hathaway suspected he was being a dishonest bastard in death too. And he’d dragged them into his mess.

“This stuff isn’t going anywhere,” he said quietly. “We could stop for the night.”

Lewis shook his head but didn’t answer and didn’t try to get up again. Hathaway leaned back against the wall and closed his own eyes. His whole body was rapidly feeling rather like lead. He hadn’t slept for over 30 hours and everything made him just want to lie down and get a few hours. But if Lewis wanted to carry on, Hathaway knew that he would as well. He didn’t seem quite able to stop when his boss was concerned.

He felt warmth on his shoulder and realised that Lewis’s head had slipped down and he was now resting against him. Forcing his eyes open, Hathaway inspected his partner thoughtfully. Lewis looked particularly tired that day - unsurprisingly really. Looking tired made him look older and he already looked older compared to Hathaway. Well, he was older. A lot older, really. The man had two grown up kids (and one dead wife.)

It was just one of the many things that made life very confusing lately.

Everything had been totally simple once. He’d known where he was going, what he wanted from life. But things had changed and now he was a policeman who was more than half in love with his boss which wouldn’t have mattered quite so much if his boss almost certainly wasn’t gay.

“Thanks James,” Lewis mumbled suddenly.

“You can buy me a pint later,” Hathaway said quietly, keeping his voice bland. He felt Lewis smile against his shoulder and - was it his imagination? - curl up slightly closer.

With a mental shrug, Hathaway rested his cheek against Lewis’s head and wondered why everything had to be so complicated.

lycoris, lewis

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