I do not own any of the following things or have any connection to them whatsoever. These are all not-for-profit fanworks. Many thanks for
sabethea for the prompts
Prompt - "it's hardly suitable for a wet Wednesday afternoon"
Chalet School
"It's hardly suitable for a wet Wednesday afternoon," Len pointed out.
"I don't mind," said Con, twirling around to make the dress spin out around her before smoothing her hands down over the skirts to settle the dress on her hips with fingers that held some of the Frenchwoman's flair for dressing. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" she said. It wasn't really a question, but Len nodded.
"But Con, you really can't wear it today," she advised. "We may be students now, but that's an evening dress - you can't possibly wear it to a lecture!"
"I think that today, I can." Con said, and there was a glint in her eye that told the oldest triplet that her sister had dug her heels well and truly in. Many years of being an elder sibling, a prefect and Head Girl had given Len a very good instinct for when she could push an issue and when it was better left alone. She shrugged, instead.
"I think that getting wet would damage it," she said. "Far better to wear it when it's not raining cats and dogs."
"It wasn't raining as much as this when I put it on," Con said, looking mournfully at the dismal English weather outside, but she conceded the point, hands moving to the buttons and beginning to unfasten them. Len smiled slightly to herself, and moved to help her sister change into something more suitable.
Prompt- "Somehow, I thought the apocalypse would look more impressive"
Set sometime during S1.
"Somehow, I thought the apocalypse would look more impressive, y'know?" Dean said, swinging his axe at the ghoul and connecting with a satisfying squelch-thump which sent the ghoul reeling across the room to collapse in a pool of blood.
"I'm fairly sure this isn't the apocalypse," Sam yelled, stabbing wildly at another ghoul, which backed off, screaming.
"You got flesh-eating monsters, what more do you want?" pointed out Dean, decapitating a ghoul with a slashing twist that sent the severed head flying in a spray of blue-black blood.
"Horsemen? Rain of fire?" Sam asked, wiping his face and leaving a smear of blood across his cheek as he backed up towards the wall. "Seven trumpets, seven seals?" He swung the sword in an efficient movement which cut the final ghoul in half.
"I've never seen what's so apocalyptic about seals," Dean said, looking around to check that all the ghouls were dead and there would be no more surprises. "Though I guess the smell of fish gets to you after a while."
Sam looked as though he were about to say something, but settled for using the side of his already-wrecked jeans to wipe the blood off his sword.
"I so need a shower," he said.
"You're sitting on newspaper," Dean agreed. Sam glared at him, and followed his brother out to the car, leaving a room full of dead ghouls behind them.
"Apocalypse next time," Dean said.
Prompt - "You made that word up, didn't you?"
Doctor Who
Ninth Doctor. This is Christopher Ecclestone, dammit!
"S…Z…Y….G…Y," declared the Doctor. "Szygy."
"You made that word up, didn't you?" asked Rose, staring at the board.
"Nope," grinned the Doctor. "Three or more celestial bodies in a straight line. Szygy."
"Gerraway," laughed Rose.
"It's true," the Doctor told her, looking rather hurt. "It's a proper word, and that zed's on a triple-letter score, which means…"
"Bet it's not in the Scrabble dictionary," Rose said. The Doctor gave her a blank look and she waved the little book in his face. "Well, is it?" she demanded, beginning to flick through the pages.
The Doctor's face fell.
"It's a word! It's a perfectly good English word and that zed is on a triple letter score!" he protested. "Look!" He seized a dictionary of his own and began frantically flicking through it, finding the entry and pointing at it with a triumphant 'hah!'
"But we're playing by the Scrabble dictionary," pointed out Rose, showing him the space in the Scrabble dictionary where 'szygy' would have been.
"But…. But…. That's not fair!" exclaimed the Doctor.
"Well, you wouldn't let me have 'texted' before, and that's a perfectly good word," Rose said. "Sorry, Doctor," and with a grin that showed she was anything but sorry she removed his letters from the board. "Try again."
The Doctor sulked for two days.