Fandom 11

Mar 29, 2007 20:04

panic is setting in now...

Disclaimers - never met them, never bought any of their stuff I make absolutely no money from this and it's clearly not true.

betaed by gumbie_cat

Set during the Pop Odyssey Tour in 2001

(For those not in the know, Justin was still with Britney. Not that it matters much for this story).

Really, life pretty much sucked, Lance decided. Chris’s knees were even more fucked than usual, thanks to his falling up the stairs while trying to distract Justin, so he was even more viciously sarcastic than usual. Justin was pissy because he and Jayce had had one of their fights about whether or not you could rhyme girl with girl. There had been screaming and hair-pulling and Justin had stormed off and JC had come to Lance, waving his hands about anxiously, and told him that he and Justin just were vibing and that commercialism wasn’t the way. Lance had nodded, and said that he really liked “Space Cowboy.” JC had turned pick and hugged him, and Lance had shot a desperate look at Joey. Joey was trying to be helpful, at least. Or, he probably was. He was recounting his latest fight with Kelly in great detail (“Keep your dick out of those little whores, you bastard!”) and JC was waving his hands about and nodding. Lance rather suspected that the subtext was ‘Women are so unreasonable’ and Lance just hoped that Justin didn’t catch them.

Basically, everyone needed a distraction, and “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” seemed as good a one as any. Justin and JC had been positioned at opposite ends of the room, where their jibes about ‘emotional integrity’ and ‘creative flair’ could a) be mutually ignored b) might not result in actual physical violence. Lance had wound up sitting in the middle, as Joey was a calming influence on Jayce when he got like this.

Many vodka shots and songs later, Lance stared at the screen, where Frank was serving dinner.

“I’d love to be in this,” he said wistfully.

“Who would you be?” asked JC curiously. Chris jumped in before Lance could open his mouth.

“I can see Joey as Eddie,” he declared, “and you as Frankenfurter.” He pointed gleefully at JC.

“You’d be Riff-Raff,” Joey said. “The small, funny-looking one with a chip on his shoulder.” Chris stuck his tongue out at Joey as JC said:

“And Justin would be Rocky, assuming we could stop him playing Janet.” Justin drew in a sharp breath, but Chris said

“Yeah, Infant, you get to be the beefcake and Jayce gets to be Frank - a sadistic fucker in eyeliner,”

JC pouted and Joey laughed.

“Come on, Jayce - you’d look best in the outfit, you’ve got to admit.”

”But who’s Lance going to be?” JC asked.

“Brad, of course!” Justin said. “Clean cut and wholesome, marrying a nice girl.”

“Britney!” cackled Chris, and Justin jabbed him.


“Hey what? I never said anything,” Chris pointed out. Justin glared, and Lance poured himself another shot.

“Why do I have to be Brad?” he said. “Maybe I wanted to be Eddie, or Frank.”

“But can you see me as Frank?” Joey asked seriously, then winced. “Or Brad?”

Lance sighed.

“I get to be the boring one just cause all you guys are so inflexible. Not fair.”

“Yeah, but you’ve managed to keep the liquor to yourself to drown your sorrows,” Chris pointed out. “Gimme!”

Lance sighed again, handed over the bottle and slumped against Joey to watch the floor show. Joey tousled his hair affectionately

“I think you’d make a great Frank,” he whispered.

“Thanks,” Lance said, smiling.

The End

*nsync, rpf, black goddess

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