Fandom 22

Mar 15, 2007 19:55

Fandom: Getbackers
Rating: PG for implied nastiness
Disclaimer: Ban's not mine, Ginji's not mine, Fudou definitely isn't mine *shudder*
Length: 539 words
Summary: Fudou uses Ginji to try and get to Ban. Um. I'm worried about this (mainly because I know there are GB fans here!) I tried *hides under desk*

Ginji knows it's not that he's scared. He just wants it to stop. Because then he can get out of here, get up from the cold floor of the abandoned room, stop watching the light change colour, stop breathing in dust and listening to himself scream. Go back to real life, sleep in the car, fight with Ban-chan over pizza. The thought of food hurts almost as much as the thought of Ban - both hit him like a punch to the stomach. The thought of sleep doesn't hurt so much - it just makes him feel a little more drained, like all his life and spark is oozing out of him into the floor.

So sleep's what he thinks of more, because thinking of food or of Ban hurts so much, so quickly, he can stop almost as soon as he starts. Sleep is harder to forget about. Dreaming of sleep... sleep and stop hearing the voice above him; Fudou never stops talking. Ginji's not sure if it's a deliberate ploy - he's lost count of how many times it's gone dark, so he doesn't know how much sleep he's missed, but... but then he's not sure he hasn't managed to doze off sometimes. The world has gone pale and fuzzy and he's watched everything as if he's outside in the sun and is staring through glass into the shadows behind... it must be sleep, helping him. Something is helping him, anyway, because he knows Fudou is expecting him to have cracked by now, Fudou is angry about it, so angry.

But then other times he thinks he can't have gone to sleep, or if he has it can't have helped at all, because he's so confused. Fudou keeps talking and Ginji can't get away from the words and if only he gives in and agrees to help destroy this Midou person he'll be able to get out of here and go home and be with Ban-chan again except he can't give in, he can't... he doesn't want to, Ban-chan wouldn't give in, he'd die before he betrayed me. Wouldn't he? Of course he would... Then he feels like a child again, crying, not knowing what to do.

Not going to be a child -

So who else can I be?

He knows that he won't end up breaking down. He knows, deep down, that he's not falling asleep during the bright, sunny, distant parts, he's just... somewhere else... someone else...

It would be so easy to give in. Oh, not to Fudou, but to... give in and stay in the sun. Then everything would be all right, he can feel it.

Except that Ban-chan would -

He doesn't know what Ban-chan would but he knows it mustn't happen, whatever it is.

Just stay in the sun a little longer. So nice -

And he can't, he can't -

He just wants it to stop, and that's why he's scared.

getbackers, versipellis

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