Fandoms 31 - 35

Mar 27, 2016 21:57

Fandom: Warehouse 13/Primeval
Rating: PG
Word Count: 311

[Spoiler (click to open)]“That sounds much more efficient than our time traveling experiences”, Pete dropped his bag onto the floor and folded his arms across his chest, “So you just walk through these portals and boom, you’re in the past”.

“Or future, pretty much”, Connor said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, “I mean, it sounds good and everything but we don’t get much say over when they open. They just sort of appear”.

“And monsters come out of them, don’t forget that little detail eh Con?”, Abbey called from where she was perched on the table at the edge of the room, but Connor and Pete were already focused on whatever Conner had on his phone. Whatever it was, Abbey was fairly certain he wasn’t supposed to have it.

“They are a terrible pairing”, Myka commented, “I am getting a migraine just thinking about the chaos those two could cause together”, and she did actually look quite pale.

“I take it you haven’t come across many dinosaurs then?”, Abbey asked.

“No..the things that try to kill us tend to either be of the inanimate object variety or the people trying to get said inanimate objects”, Myka sat up on the table beside Abbey.

“Inanimate objects?”

“Well, you know how there’s all those stories about these artifacts or items that gave people special abilities. Or just items that were really important to people in history?”, Abbey nodded as Myka spoke, “Turns out most of them tend to be quite real and very dangerous”.

“More dangerous than dinosaurs?”

“We once destroyed a pair of superhero underpants that were causing the entire planet and everything on it to implode - eventually it would have destroyed the universe”, and Abbey wanted to laugh but Myka looked so serious as she said it that it would have been rude.

“I thought my job was interesting”

Fandom: Malory Towers/Teen Wolf
Rating: PG
Word Count: 337

[Spoiler (click to open)]“Who’s your friend?”, Mary Lou practically leapt out of her skin as Alicia appeared from nowhere. Of course Alicia had followed her, and of course she had seen Mary Lou talking to Allison. What could possibly happen at Malory Towers that Alicia Johns didn’t know about. Still, Mary Lou was rather grateful that it was Alicia and not Gwendoline that had followed her.

“Old friend”

“What’s she doing here?”, Alicia had stepped in front of her and stopped, forcing Mary Lou to do the same.

“She works in town”, it was an awful lie and they both knew it.

“Must be nice, to not go to school.”

“She’s taking a year off before university”, Mary Lou walked around Alicia but the other girl caught her arm with her hand and stopped her from going far, “What does it matter? I’m sure you have friends outside of school”.

“She doesn’t seem like your type of friend is all”, and Mary Lou wanted to demand to know what Alicia meant by that. Except that was exactly what Alicia wanted, for Mary Lou to get annoyed and accidentally give something away.

“What were you two whispering about? You looked awfully worried about something”, Alicia was scanning her face now with those piercing eyes, desperate to learn something.

Mary Lou’s mind flickered with Allison’s news - that there were two warring packs, both with young and impulsive Alphas, hunting down teenagers to turn into Betas for their packs. She thought of Allison’s warning - that the packs had turned their attention to this part of the country. She thought of Allison’s advice, that she take up her crossbow and get practicing for the inevitable. She looked back at Alicia and hoped that none of that had crossed over her face.

“Oh, mostly just girl things”, and she gently pushed Alicia to one side and walked back towards Malory Towers. How she was supposed to get out and retrieve her crossbow from its hiding place with Alicia watching her every move she did not know…

Fandom: Cold Case/Warehouse 13
Rating: PG
Word Count: 404

[Spoiler (click to open)]“Just…trust me on this”, Myka was well aware just how much she was reinforcing the shadowy government agency stereotype, and she did wonder whether Detective Lilly Rush looked at all government agents the same way she was looking at Myka.

She suddenly felt quite sorry for the FBI.

“You seriously expect me to believe that my suspect is the H.G. Wells who has been dead for over half a century?”

“Not dead, frozen”, and Myka quickly covered her own lips with her forefinger because they had already gone over this and Lilly was looking more and more irate each time they did,

“In bronze, yes. I got that bit the third time you said it. It doesn’t, however, make it any less ridiculous”, Lilly looked like she wanted to throw something, and Myka was quite grateful for the lack of throwable objects in the room. Unless she counted herself. She was potentially throwable - out of the nearest windows based on Lilly’s expression.

Lilly sighed and rubbed her temple before she spoke again, “but you’re telling me H.G. didn’t kill my victim?”

“No, Pete and I were like five seconds behind her when she found him, there’s no way she could have done it”.

“This crime happened in nineteen seventy-five, if you were older than a toddler I would be very surprised”, and Myka was sure that was a compliment but this was not the time or the place, and a look of complete disbelief dawned over Lilly, “You are not about to tell me time travel exists”.

“It’s more common than you might think…”, Myka didn’t know how much more the detective would tolerate before just slapping handcuffs on her so she quickly moved on, “What if I show you, then help you solve the crime?”, and all at once Lilly froze. She eyed Myka, her eyes still narrow, still suspicious, so Myka pushed on,

“You must have another case as well, one that you’ve never been able to solve?”, Myka opened the door and waited for Lilly, “Get that file too and we’ll go and solve that one too”. That was enough. The look that passed over Lilly’s eyes was haunting, and Myka knew she had her convinced. With a nod of her head, Lilly began to follow her.

“If you’re messing with me…”

“After all the things I’ve seen, let me tell you”, Myka sighed, “I really wish I was…”

Fandom: X + Y/The A Word
Rating: 12
Wo rd Count: 5 33

[Spoiler (click to open)]Luke scowled at the kid beside him. That was him a decade ago, so innocent and wraped up in himself that he didn’t even notice how bloody out of place he was. The kid’s parents were talking to the doctor and the other man, probably the grandad, was supposed to be watching him but he had wandered off.

If they had just left the kid’s headphones with him perhaps Luke wouldn’t have to listen to him singing.

He hoped the doctor called him soon so he could get this stupid session out of the way. Make more promises not to hurt himself again, and listen to yet another person tell him how wonderful his diagnosis was. He wondered about the kid next to him, if his parents had told him that he was autistic yet.

Probably not.

Luke felt sorry for him for a moment, knowing what he was going to go through as he got older. What he was going to have to put up with from other people, from himself… He must have been staring because the kid looked up at him and spoke,

“Another girl, another planet. The Only Ones. Nineteen seventy eight”, and he stared at Luke with big, blue eyes that make Luke feel uneasy.

“Don’t know it”, Luke mumbled, and he looked away. Traced the patterns on the floor with his eyes.

“I know lots of songs. I can sing one you know”

“I don’t want you to sing any songs for me”, and Luke knew he was being petulant, but he didn’t want to be here and he certainly didn’t want to be making conversation with some kid.

“I like music. It makes me happy.”, the boy paused for a long time, “What makes you happy?”. Luke struggled to swallow the sudden lump in his throat - what did make him happy? Not much anymore. He seemed to have been cursed with splinter skills and special interests that only made him more and more miserable. Monty Python had failed him, and now all watching it left him with was a horrible, heavy pain in his stomach.

“Nothing makes me happy, that’s why I’m here”.

“You can ask the doctor to find something to make you happy”, the boy said. Luke didn’t know what to say to that, but it didn’t matter because a dark-haired woman rushed over,

“Joe! Where’s grandad gone?”, she knelt in front of Joe, then cast a glance at Luke and froze. Luke wondered if she could see it, that he was the same as her son.

“I’m sorry, his grandfather was meant to…”, the boy’s mum shook her head with a sigh, “thank you for sitting with him”. Luke mumbled something about it being alright or no problem because that was what people were meant to say to something like that. Then Joe and his music and singing were whisked away with his parents and Luke was alone again.

When the doctor finally called for him to come in and asked him what was wrong Luke couldn’t stop thinking about Joe’s words, and as stupid as he felt he finally said,

“I want to be happy again”.

Fandom: Malory Towers/Primeval
Rating: PG
Word Count: 247
NB: Within the AU of my ongoing MT/Primeval fic

[Spoiler (click to open)]“You need to come through an anomaly with me”, Alicia, as usual, did not bother with a hello, or how are you, or how is that awful dinosaur bite on your shoulder healing. No, as usual she just jumped straight into whatever it was she wanted to talk about.

“I do not need to do anything with you”, Darrell groaned as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, “It’s four o’clock in the morning Alicia”.

“You get up at five anyway don’t you?”

“Yes, but that’s an hour from now. Which I could have spent sleeping. And it’s a Saturday”, Darrell slumped into the armchair and closed her eyes with the phone loosely pressed to her ear, “and it’s not just me you woke up”.

“Is the Ice Queen angry at me again?”, and Alicia must have sensed that Darrell was at her limit and about to hang up on her because her next, rushed out words were, “Wait! Can I at least tell you about the anomaly?”

“Call Betty”, Darrel groaned but, as pathetically obedient as she berated herself for being, she did not hang up.

“Non disclosure agreement, remember?”, and Darrell was about to say that Alicia had rarely done what she was told to do, why ever would she start doing so now, but there was something to Alicia’s voice - a sadness of sorts - that kept Darrell from doing so. Instead she groaned again and said,

“Fine, tell me about your precious anomaly”.

cold case, warehouse 13, malory towers, teen wolf, the a word, x + y, thesoulofchaos, primeval

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