Fandoms 10 - 19

Mar 22, 2015 07:48

I have 14 days to write 21 things. That seems....manageable? I have also now given up on summaries, and the font has screwed up halfway through this because OpenOffice is having a hissy fit.

Title: Bunsen Burner
Fandom: Bully
Rating: PG-13 (language?)

Jimmy always looked forward to second session on a Wednesday and Thursday, after all it was the only lesson he really enjoyed.

He always acted the prat in English, cos he weren't going tp admit that the words wouldn't stay still on the page and get laughed at. And he only turned up to Maths for his attendence mark, then Pete helped him with the homework cos he could only hold one bit of a maths problems in his head at a time so longer equations always went to shit. Spanish was a bloody disaster, he couldn't manage English right so how was another language meant to help him?

But Chemistry he could do.

Course his teacher had damn near wet herself when she saw that he was in her class, thinkin' he was gonna blow them all up; but now she kept going on about how good he was in her class.

So he liked Chemistry, cos that weren't something he heard so often.

Title: Endless Loop
Fandom: The Binding of Isaac
Rating: PG-13

As Isaac fell to the floor of the basement again, and he had lost count by now, he found himself praying to the god whose words to Isaac's mother had gotten him into all this mess to begin with. He didn't know whether to pray for death or for a way out of these endless floors of monsters and chaos, so he prayed for both.

He had kept himself going in the early days, by telling himself that there must be something he had overlooked, that there was something small he had missed and that was why each time he defeated his mother he would open the chest left behind and be transported back to the basement he started in, with a mind full of the vision the chest had revealed to him.

But when he had done that ten times and then had been forced to fight against the monster that claimed to be his mother's heart, which he had done ten times, and then fought against what he assumed was the devil himself... he began to lose hope.

Who was he kidding?

He had lost hope a long time ago.

Title: Hearing Things
Fandom: Afro Samurai
Rating: G

Everywhere Afro went he saw that teddy, and ravens gathered in clusters in his path. He dismissed it as coincidence, focused only on the next fight and the next opponent.

But then they began to appear in places they had no right to be, and when he scattered the ravens he swore a deep chuckle danced on the wind.

He shrugged it aside and convinced himself it was his ears playing tricks on him. It was only when he finally relented and picked up a teddy bear that his mind was changed.

The wind chilled him as he heard her voice call out to him.

Title: Goodbyes
Fandom: Malory Towers
Rating: G

Mary Lou stood in the doorway for an age before she was sure she could speak without a tremble in her voice,

“Were you ever going to tell me?”

Daphne jumped and turned. She looked rather comical; hands halfway in her case, caught mid-way through packing. She at least had the decency to look ashamed.

“Of course...I just...I couldn't quite find the right words”, Daphne turned back to her packing but not before Mary Lou saw the startings of red across her cheeks.

“You could have used the same words you used to tell everyone else”, Mary Lou stepped forward, raised her voice in an effort to regain Daphne's gaze.

“That didn't seem enough”, Daphne's voice shrunk.

“So telling me nothing and letting me hear through someone else was the better alternative?”, Mary Lou stepped forward once more and put her hand on the lid of the trunk, shutting it and stopping Daphne from packing.

“What was I supposed to say Mary Lou?”, Daphne finally looked at her, “What do you want me to do?”

Mary Lou would later struggle to pin-point where her boldness came from, but in that moment in made sense. She tugged Daphne in and kissed her on the lips - something she had once hoped would be a much more intimate affair. It finished almost as it began and Daphne was left staring back at Mary Lou.

“It's rather too late for what I want you to do”, and before Daphne could see the hot tears that were threatening Mary Lou's eyes, she turned from her friend and left to shut out Daphne's reply. Not that she really thought there would be one.

Title: So impossible it might be right
Fandom: Warehouse 13
Rating: G

"That doesn't make sense", Myka dropped her head into her hands and tried to will her headache away.

"None of this ever makes sense, why's my idea so impossible?", Pete stopped pacing and turned to her.

" Just because some of this...I mean...that's not how this works Pete!", Myka rubbed her palms against her closed eyes with a groan.

"Don't go telling me I should have read the handbook"

"Oh this? This wasn't even mentioned in the handbook"

"Hah! I knew it would happen one day, I know something that one of your precious books doesn't"

"Pete, what you said was not a solution, it was a bunch of gibberish masquerading as a sentence", Myka struggled back to her feet and watched as the sky outside continued changing colour.

" You always start using big words when you're losing an argument"

"I am not lo...oh you know what go on!", Myka flung her arm out towards the door, " let's go and try your idea".

Pete was out the door before she had finished speaking. He had started screaming for help before she had the door halfway open.

"That has to be a Warehouse record", Myka sighed as she hurried out towards her partner.

Title: Bloodstains
Fandom: Cold Case
Rating: PG-13

Scotty shut the door of the interview room behind him and kept the strength in his legs long enough to reach his desk. He would have to go back in there and finish the interview, he knew that. But as he slumped into his chair, all he could think about was the bloodstain that wouldn't come off the wall - no matter how many cleaners they sent in there.

Other people didn't see it; the cleaners sure made a big deal about barely being able to find it. None of the people they'd had in to interview had ever commented on it - and he would have expected at least one quip about police brutality.

Scotty straightened up in his chair and stared at the door to the interview room. Other people may not see it, but he knew damn well they all did.Vera and Jeffries were always just that bit too obvious about not looking at that part of the wall when they were in there. Miller refused to use the room at all, only ever conducting interviews in the other, smaller room. Scotty couldn't say he blamed her.

With a deep breath, Scotty got back to his feet. He steeled himself everytime he went in there, for all the good it did. It didn't matter what he did, because everytime he walked into that room it saw it like it had just happened. Lilly slumped against the wall, blood seeping through her shirt, because he had been too slow on the draw.

He pushed the door open.

Title: Choices
Fandom: Resident Evil
Rating: PG

It had seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Claire had been desperate to get away, far away, from all the news of zombies and viruses. It didn't seem like there was anywhere on earth that hadn't been tainted by this god-forsaken epidemic. Chris, Leon, Jill...they all chose to stay on the front lines - and she respected that. But she wasn't a soldier, wasn't a cop, she hadn't been prepared for any of this.

When she had first heard of TerraSave, she had tried to push it out of her mind. She couldn't abandon Sherry to that hell-hole she was being kept it, who knew what they would do to her without Claire in the picture...

Then...things had changed.

It was better for Sherry that Claire stayed away, it limited the confusion. So she had joined up with TerraSave, run off to help save people from a position where there were less zombies and more medicine. It had seemed like the right choice.

Of course that had all gone to hell and now she was back to being surrounded by the living dead.

Title: Questioning the Timeline
Fandom: Primeval
Rating: PG

“Do you remember how Cutter was always calling me Claudia?”, Jenny's question came out of nowhere and Abby set down her tablet to give herself a few seconds to wonder where this was going.

“What if it was true?”, Jenny had continued talking, “what if in his, I don't know, time line or universe I was Claudia Brown? Or what if he did change history ad wipe out the person I used to be?”

“What makes you think it was true?”, was all Abby could ask, bewildered by Jenny's sudden questioning. Jenny dug her hand into her pocket and pulled out something, which she tossed in front of Abby.

“Because that isn't me, I never had a photo taken with Cutter”, and Abby stared at the photo and had to concede that whilst it looked just like Jenny, there was something distinctly un-Jenny about the woman stood next to Cutter.

“If he changed time, if he wiped out Claudia Brown and brought me into existence”, and Abby wasn't so distracted that she missed the shudder from Jenny at those words, “could we do the same? C...could we go back and stop her from killing him?”

Abby could barely swallow the lump in her throat. Her immediate response had been to remind Jenny of the side-effects of messing with the time line and tell her that no, they couldn't do that. Then she thought of Stephen. Maybe if they saved Cutter...what was to say they couldn't save him too? But then...what if...

So Abby just handed the photo back to Jenny and turned back to her tablet. Jenny seemed to understand because she pushed the photo back into her pocket and sighed,

“That's the same thing I thought...”

Title: Bird-brained
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Rating: PG

Barrett heaved himself up beside their pilot, Cid, and considered asking the older man for one of those cigars he was always chewing on.

“World still ending?”, Cid took the cigar out to speak.


They sat and watched as Cloud stood, surrounded by a pack of chocobos, and dished out greens to each of the different coloured giant birds. Barrett sighed and snagged one of the offered cigars from Cid's hand.

“Yeah, damn world's still ending and our leader is playing mummy to a bunch a huge ass chickens”, Barrett slammed his gun arm down against the wall and shoved the cigar in between his teeth, “I say we just leave without him.”

Cid knocked the ash from the end of his cigar, “Tifa and Yuffie already tried that one, damnedest thing...plane won't lift off without him in it”

Title: Civilian Life
Fandom: Gears of War
Rating: PG-13

Adjusting to life without the locust was harder than Marcus had thought it would be. Adjusting to life without war in general, was much harder than he'd ever imagined.

He missed the weight of his armour on his back, the weight of a gun in his hands. He missed the constant rise and fall of adrenaline as he walked through another half destroyed building. He missed the focus of having a mission to carry out, and an enemy to kill.

And he missed Dom. Fucking hell, did he miss him.

He didn't know how he was supposed to live like this.

cold case, warehouse 13, gears of war, final fantasy vii, malory towers, afro samurai, resident evil, the binding of isaac, primeval, thesoulofchaos, bully

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