Fandoms 23 and 24

Apr 05, 2014 09:17

[Title] Friends with Benefits
[Fandom] Ayatsuri Sakon/Death Note
[Rating] PG
[Notes/Summary] Kaoruko/Matsuda. Kaoruko's not totally sure what he is to her, but she kind of likes him anyway.

Mostly, Matsuda was a colleague. Only instead of being super-patronising or honestly baffled that they let women into the police force, he was at first adorably shy, and then, after the team had gone out drinking and they'd found themselves the last two in the bar, he'd begun to share jokes with her, babble like an idiot about stuff he was into, complain about the workload.

Sometimes Kaoruko wasn't sure if she actually liked him. No, okay, that wasn't fair. She liked him - it would've been difficult not to. And sure, she liked some guy acting like she was the cool big sis, wanting to impress her. Even if he sort of did that to everyone. But she was pretty sure he wanted to impress her because she was a girl and acted like she knew it all and could talk anyone to death if she wanted, as Ukon had put it once. He certainly had only the haziest idea of who National Treasure Puppet Master Sakon was. And that was kind of refreshing. He liked her for her. Kind of.

She liked him but she sometimes thought she shouldn't.

She liked going drinking with him and complaining with him and making fun of him. She'd thought that any guy she liked would turn her into a demure, sweet girlfriend, that when you loved someone it made you want to act like that. With him she was just herself. In fact, sometimes she was more herself, because he never told her to dial it down.

And she definitely liked going home with him. He was cute, in a puppyish sort of way, and at least when he was awkward or accidentally elbowed her he apologised for it, and if she asked him to do something differently he didn't act like she'd trampled all over his pride. But she wouldn't call him her boyfriend or anything. She'd long ago decided she was only going to get married for someone who swept her off her feet.

So he was untidy and had only got the job because of his father's connections (but he wasn't the kind of guy who usually had that background. He knew he was lucky, and he actually cared about making things better, even if he pretended he was only interested in TV and romance). And heck, she wasn't telling him how much help Sakon had given her on some of the cases she'd closed.

One day her prince would come, or whatever, but in the meantime, she figured she could do a whole lot worse.

[Title] A Problem Shared is a Problem Solved
[Fandom] Detective Academy Q
[Rating] PG
[Notes/Summary] Ryu tells Kyuu a bit more about how Pluto operate. lycoris gave me some of the ideas for this one.

It was the weekend and so they had got up late and were now in the kitchen eating a not-quite-breakfast when Kyuu said, “I don't get it, though -”

Ryu frowned at him - you could never tell what Kyuu was or wasn't going to get, and Ryu still wondered how anyone could be that comfortable admitting they didn't know something - but his friend carried on, “How do people find Pluto? I mean, it isn't like you can just type it into a computer, society to help me murder someone.” A worried look. “Can you?”

Ryu relaxed a little, because this was something he did know the answer to. “Not that obviously. I mean, they don't want there to be a trace from their clients back to them. It's all about keeping your ears open.”

Kyuu started wolfing down his cereal and said through it, “Just in the street or whatever?”

“Some of them do have normal jobs,” Ryu said. He felt almost as if he were back at his grandfather's, proving he'd studied, listing facts drilled into his head. “So then they're really supportive to their co-workers, get them to talk about their problems. Or their friends' or family's problems. Some of them lurk on chatrooms for people who've been bereaved, or have, you know, debt problems or are disabled, and listen for people who ended up like that because of what someone else did. There was a teacher - I don't know if she still is now - who looked out for students who were being bullied or - abused by their parents, or their families had money problems. I think they even have some counsellors, people who'll come specifically to talk about their problems, and then they can say, I know someone else who can help, and that person knows someone, and...”

He stopped, because Kyuu was staring at him in horror, spoon held halfway to his mouth.

“So... so it's all problems,” he said. “You get someone to tell you about all the bad things, and you pretend to be their friend and like they can trust you, and all the time you're... you're working to get them to...”

“Well... yes.”

“But that's awful.”

Ryu reminded himself that he and Kyuu had grown up in very different environments and were going to see things in very different ways. He made himself say, “I suppose it is.” He tried to ignore the nagging fear, never far away, that he'd told Kyuu too much about his own problems. “They don't see it that way, though, of course. They think they're helping.”

Kyuu shivered, and then scowled down at his cereal. “We're definitely going to stop them.”

Ryu didn't see why his friend's resolve should be strengthened by what he'd heard - indeed, wasn't it an obvious way for a murder society to operate? - but he nodded, and made himself smile.

death note, versipellis, ayatsuri sakon, detective academy q

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