Fandom 20

Mar 31, 2014 21:02

[Title] Driven
[Fandom] Cruel Intentions
[Rating] PG
[Notes/Summary] Annette wonders whether or not Sebastian's car should come to college with her.

Annette thought about not taking the car to college.

She'd got better, after all. Or, different. She wasn't someone who cried when no one could see and although she'd built walls between herself and the rest of the student body at Manchester Prep, she at least now didn't hate them all for daring to be alive while she felt like her heart had been ripped out. Or something melodramatic like that. The point was, she'd healed up. She'd moved on. And if she was someone different from who she'd been up until that day on the pavement, that didn't matter. The point was (and she thinks Sebastian knew this. Kathryn certainly did) that as long as you do what's expected and have your breakdown behind closed doors, no one really bothers you.

But she did think about leaving the car behind. Show up at the dorm in her pastels with a kind smile and maybe even some baked goods. She'd been pretending she felt normal for her entire senior year, so couldn't she just do it in a different outfit?

And pull people into her orbit.

And pretend to them that everything was fine.

And carry a journal's worth of secrets around with her.

Sebastian had at least had the courtesy to warn people off, kind of, more or less, if you looked closely. Kathryn had worked very hard to give no danger signals until it was too late.

Annette knows very well who she'd rather be.

The car comes with her. She drives up to the dorm with shades on, and doesn't smile.

versipellis, cruel intentions

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