Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

Mar 06, 2007 00:46

Fandom 18
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
AU: Marianne marries Willoughby, who is disinherited.

He drinks too much, and drink makes him cruel.

"I should never have married you. You ruined all my chances."

You with your soft eyes, you with your sweet spoken promises.

Marianne has learned not to answer, to defend herself. She looks away.

"I could have been rich. I should have been rich. She disowned me because of you."

You with your ready smile.

She thinks longingly of the cottage; her mother, her sisters.

"'Such a pretty girl', people said of you. And look at you now: dowdy and haggard as an old woman."

You with your gentle touch.

The music, the poetry she loved so much - they both had, once.

"You entrapped me into this marriage, Marianne, following me to London, writing me letters, stirring up my friends - my friends - on your behalf."

You with your loving words, you with your faithful heart.

"And now, Madam, you have what you desired. Does it please you? Do I please you, Marianne?"

You with your honest, tender love.

I loved you once, she thought.

"What, nothing to say?" he jeered.

How did it come to this?

sense and sensibility, jane austen, iamisaac

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