Title: Crossovers in Museums
Fandom: Doctor Who/BBC Sherlock
Rating: G
Word Connt: 572
Summary: While chasing aliens, Rory finds some other people running around the museum at night ...
Note: Because Cardiff Museum occasionally films Doctor Who and Sherlock on the same night and thus, it needed to be written!
The na’tars were apparently not very dangerous aliens but they were very annoying ones. At least, that was what the Doctor said and Rory sort of believed him. The Doctor was mostly good at his aliens. Mostly.
“Come on!” the Doctor shrieked happily, leaping around the console, hitting buttons. “We have to catch them and take them back to nar’tiff’loth before they cause chaos on Earth.”
“What will they actually do?” Amy asked, hanging tightly onto the edge of the console.
“All sorts of things. Bad things. Very bad things. Well, quite bad. They tend to rearrange things … you know when socks go missing from the tumble dryer, you can’t find any pairs of socks, well, that’s na’tars and your socks are being strewn all over the place and planted in pots and tied to all sorts of things, quite often in other worlds entirely … ”
Rory wasn’t quite sure what he made of that. It sounded like it could be true but so much of what the Doctor said sounded as though it could be true. Sometimes, it wasn’t.
On the other hand, it did explain what had happened to all his pairs of socks.
The TARDIS landed and the Doctor hurled himself out of the door without checking anything. Amy and Rory rushed after him and found themselves standing in what was clearly a museum. The na’tars cackled and rushed off down a corridor and the Doctor rushed off after them, Amy and Rory hurrying after him, Rory wondering what would happen if they set off all the museum alarms. So far while travelling with the Doctor, he’d been arrested for murder (twice), entering a sacred area (four times), assault (that one had actually been true but since it had been a human eating alien, Rory thought he was justified) and displaying his knees (apparently illegal on that planet) He didn’t want to add getting arrested for robbery to the list, especially as all the other arrests had taken place where it didn’t appear on a criminal record.
“This way!” the Doctor shrieked gleefully. He charged down another corridor and then another. The na’tars clearly felt more like running around than actually doing anything. Or maybe they were leading them around in a big circle to steal the TARDIS. Rory hoped the Doctor had considered that.
As they turned another corner, Rory realised with alarm that there were people running towards them. For a second he thought they might be security guards but then he realised that they weren’t. It was two men, who looked like they shouldn’t be there either. The taller one with dark hair swept past them with only a glance but the shorter one stopped, staring. Naturally, the Doctor and Amy continued to run and only Rory paused to try and work out what was happening.
“What are you doing here?” the guy demanded, trying to sound menacing.
“What are you doing here?” Rory said, trying not to sound intimidated. The man paused, then shrugged.
“Hunting criminals,” he said, a little defensively.
“Oh,” Rory said. “We’re hunting aliens.”
“Oh. Right.”
“John!” a distant voice yelled from behind them. Obviously John’s friend required his services.
“Rory!” Amy yelled from in front.
“Got to go!” Rory said.
“Me too,” John said. “Er … good luck then.”
“Yeah, you too!” Rory agreed.
He rushed off after the Doctor, wondering if all museums were this busy at night.