Fandoms 24 and 25.

Mar 17, 2010 22:40

Title: Cookies
Fandom: Tokyo Babylon
Rating: G
Summary: Hokuto, Sabaru and Seishiro make cookies together.

“Okay!” Hokuto sang, twirling around with the tray in her hand. “Let’s put the cookies in the oven!”

“Hokuto-chan, you’ll spill the cookies all over the floor,” Seishiro-san told her, carefully removing the tray from her grip and sliding it into the oven. “And that would be such a shame now that you and Subaru have so long carefully making such lovely cookies.”

Subaru blushed but Hokuto squealed happily and said “Seishiro-san, you’re so house-proud!” Seishiro smiled cheerfully at her and began to clean up the kitchen. Subaru leapt up to help and was instantly waved back down again.

“Don’t trouble yourself, Subaru-kun,” Seishiro-san said, still smiling. “I wouldn’t want you to get your gloves dirty, now would I?”

His smile seemed to change for a moment into something darker but when Subaru blinked, he was back to his normal self again and Hokuto was examining his gloves and muttering sadly about how they were leather and would show every stain and if only he’d let her design him some proper gloves in beautiful colours … Subaru did his best to swat her away, trying to ignore her steady flow of words.

“The cookies should be done soon,” Seishiro-san commented, sitting down at the table. “Aside from the desire to have delicious cookies, why was it that you so wanted us to make them, Hokuto-chan?”

“Because you can tell a lot about a man by how he makes cookies!” Hokuto pronounced and Subaru groaned, instantly knowing what was coming next. As usual, Hokuto and Seishiro-san ignored him.

“First off, how does he cook? Does he make a mess? Does he expect other people to clean it up? Then, how does he form the cookies? Neat little cut-outs? Messy sprawling blobs? It all means something, you know! All very important!”

Subaru continued doing his best to ignore this rambling but Seishiro-san seemed to like it for some reason.

“What does my cookie making style tell you about me, Hokuto-chan?”

“I don’t know yet,” Hokuto said. “I am withholding all information until I see the end result.”

Subaru sighed and began cleaning up the cookie ingredients. Secretly, he was in a good mood. It was fun spending time with Hokuto and Seishiro-san. It would just be more fun if Seishiro-san would stop encouraging Hokuto with her delusions of marriage. And her weird ideas about how cookies apparently told you about someone’s soul.

Hokuto gleefully whipped the tray out of the oven when the timer went off and all three of them leaned over to look.

“Oh dear,” Seishiro-san commented. “It looks as though they have gone slightly wrong.”

They had obviously put the cookies too close together on the tray. Instead of having lots of little cookies, there was one giant cookie sheet, all blobby and ripply.

“Well, we can cut it up,” Subaru said reassuringly. “I’m sure they’ll still taste lovely.”

“Humph,” Hokuto said, looking sulky. “How did that happen? That’s just so unfair? How am I suppose to judge Seishiro-san’s suitability for marriage to you based on that?”

“Well,” Seishiro-san said, taking the tray and playing it on the wire wrack. “I suppose I’m going to take over the entirety of Subaru-kun’s life.”

“You’re right!” Hokuto squealed. “That’s soooooo cute!”

Subaru rolled his eyes and looked at Seishiro-san. Seishiro-san was smiling one of his strange smiles.

“Is it?” he asked, very softly. “Is it really?”

“Huh?” Hokuto said. “What did you say?”

“Nothing, Hokuto-chan,” Seishiro-san said brightly. “Now then. If Subaru-kun will pass me the spatula, I will try to shift the plate-cookie.”

In all the fuss, Subaru quite forgot what Seishiro-san had said.

Title: Headstrong
Fandom: Detective Academy Q
Rating: G
Summary: Nanami talks to Renjo.

Renjo-san was slumped against the wall outside Dan-sensei’s office when Nanami walked past. Nanami stopped, grinned and raised an eyebrow at him. Gossip about Renjo-san’s activities had already gone around the school and Nanami was curious.

“Someone’s in the dog house!” he said, grinning more.

“Shut up,” Renjo-san ordered. “And give me one of the cigarettes that you pretend you don’t smoke whenever Hongou-kun is around.”

Nanami blinked but handed a cigarette over and even lit it for him. Renjo-san took a drag from it, leaning back against the wall and taking a shaky breath. His suit was torn and Nanami could see that his knuckles were bruised.

“Is it true then?” he asked. “That you threw yourself into a den of kidnappers on your own and defeated them all?”

“Yes,” Renjo-san said, wincing slightly. “Hongou-kun’s going to stare at me disapprovingly for months, isn’t he?”

“Assuming that Dan-sensei leaves you alive,” Nanami said cheerfully. “I can’t believe you did that? Are you possibly just a bit insane?”

Renjo-san sighed softly and blew out a puff of smoke. Nanami continued to watch him, genuinely curious about whatever the motivations were. Renjo-san knew better than to do something so reckless. It was more like something Nanami would do.

“Why’d you do it?” he wheedled.

Renjo-san gave another soft sigh.

“Sometimes … sometimes, I … sometimes, there’s just some things you have to do,” he said, not looking at Nanami. “Sometimes, you just have to act because the consequences are worth it.”

“Sounds like something I would say,” Nanami said. “Hongou won’t appreciate you encouraging me!”

Renjo-san didn’t laugh. He rubbed his bruised knuckles and tried to smile but his voice didn’t sound like he was finding it very funny.

“I’d better send you on your way then,” he said. “I’m a very bad influence.”

“Sure, but I don’t care,” Nanami said cheerfully. “I’m the great Nanami Kotarou and beyond all help.”

Renjo-san didn’t laugh at that either. He finished his cigarette and stubbed it out against the wall, which was one of Nanami’s worst habits.

“Go on, Nanami-kun,” he said. “Don’t worry about me. Dan-sensei will probably leave at least part of me intact!”

Nanami left him alone. He could see that Renjo-san wasn’t going to talk and he knew better than to press. He headed off, his brain filled with confused thoughts. That wasn’t the Renjo-san that he was used to. None of that had been what he was used to and Namami didn’t understand. Which was something he hated, especially if it were things about his friends. He wondered if he’d ever understand.

lycoris, tokyo babylon, detective academy q

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