My baby and I have been sick for more than a month! I've been to the doctor twice for antibiotics, steriods, inhalers, and other drugs to handle symptoms. I'm tired of it!
On September 17, my 11yo daughter aquired H1N1, so we set up our version of intensive care: turn the couch into a bed with a selfservice tray of grapes and other finger food with the PS2 controls and books handy. Then, we pumped her full of liquids and keep track of her meds. Three days later, it found me, too. In actuality, H1N1 passed rather quickly, so we were back into regular routine within a week.
Then, the Bronchitis From Hell arrived.
It's not true pnumonia, but it won't go away! We cough and hack and puck and feel like old garbage! Very, very slowly, we are getting better, but for goodness' sake! It has been a month already!
I want to hear other first hand accounts of this flu to see if others have this annoying, but not life threatening difficulty.
Give general location, such as nearest major city and state (or country info, if not the US).
How long were you sick?
How severe were symptoms?
What treatments did you use, such as chemical meds or natural treatments.
What worked?
What activities do you pursure while sick?
Are you well, yet?
Thanks. We tried several natural treatments in addition to the chemical ones. My 11yo does not like them, so it's easier to give her a prescription pill. For myself, I prefer teas and soups from garlic, ginger, cayenne, peppermint, ect. when treating symptoms. Also, essential oils. Our results from the two methods have been the same: slow, slow, slow healing.