Aug 30, 2018 17:25
Some days, I just freakin' hurt! Today, I cycled to the office for doughnut day, but I did not feel like buying any doughnuts for the group. Instead, I brought some leftover sugar-free candies, and I ate none of them. It is not unusual to hurt more after exercising, but today the pain has gone on and on. For you women, it is like the worst of cramps. For men, I suppose it is like being hit in the gut beyond tolerance.
Yesterday, I saw my doctor. He was pleased with my progress and reduced one of my medicines. He approved of the oils I am taking. I need to buy more. I really don't feel like eating, but I haven't lost any more weight. Today's You Tube video by Dr. Berg said that people don't lose weight on weight-loss diets. Instead, they lose weight when they get healthy. My doctor sounds a lot like Dr. Berg. Maybe that's vice versa. I'm not sure which one came first for me.