03 - Irrational Reason; Link/Zelda, Legend of Zelda, L.13 [But if you never try, you’ll never know.]

Mar 14, 2007 17:38

Title: Irrational Reason
Author: tani_chan
Pairing: Link/Zelda
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda
Theme/Lyric Code: L.13 [‘But if you never try, you’ll never know.’ // Coldplay - “Fix You”]
Genre: Romance/Slight Angst
Rating: PG
Warning: None really. :P
Summary: Despite Zelda’s persistent requests for marriage, Link thinks his irrational reason is what needs to be.
Other: Er, I don’t know. No bunny bit me, so I just went with what I started to write. And I suppose this is probably what would be one of the reasons that would keep them from getting married. XD; *shrugs*

Link walked brusquely through the castle, making his way to Zelda’s chambers. It was dreary and raining outside, and the castle felt damp and stuffy. Zelda’s chambers would probably be no better, but remaining in her company would definitely cheer the mood. Pulling at his collar a little, he paused at the door leading to her room before giving a quick knock on the wood.

“Come in.” Link opened the door and flashed her a smile, giving her a bow in formality and shutting the door behind him. She was sitting on the small couch at the end of her bed, reading a book. She smiled back at him, marking her place on the page before shutting the book closed and setting it on a table next to her. “Link,” she said warmly. “It is good to see you.”

“Aye, it is good to see you as well,” Link responded, standing next to her. “May I sit?” Zelda smiled again, nodding and patting the space next to her, which he gladly took. “How are you today?” She sighed, casting a look to the window before speaking. “Dull. I am waiting to hear from my advisors, but I fear this staleness has blocked out their minds as well. You?”

“The rain has been unbearable to me as well,” he said with a chuckle. “I hoped that seeing you would liven us both up.” She laughed a little as well, smiling fondly at him. “Aye, seeing your face has already improved my mood.” Link smiled, leaning his face in towards hers, giving her a quick peck on the lips. A faint blush tinted her pale cheeks, but she smiled, interlacing her fingers with his.

Link brushed his free hand against her face gently, taking in her features in silent calm. They stayed like this for a small while, before Zelda closed her eyes, letting out a small sigh. He paused, looking at her curiously. “Zelda? What is wrong?” She just gave out another sigh as answer, her eyes darting towards the floor. “…I - I do not wish to ruin this fond mood, but -“

“But?” Link asked, feeling his gut churn a little. “I’m afraid I must ask you as to why you have denied my proposals, Link,” she said, her eyes reaching his face again. He faltered, a little surprised with the question. “I - I’m sorry, Zelda. I just can’t marry you,” he said, pulling his hand free of her face. She stayed still, her gaze becoming rigid. Zelda was persistent. “I’m not quite sure I understand the meaning.” Link sighed. She was as stubborn as ever. “There’s nothing to explain-“

“Oh, don’t give me that again,” she said, almost mockingly from her spot on the couch. “That has been your answer for the past fortnight, without any true answer as to why. I have asked for you to court me. You refuse to do so - openly - but continue to lay by my side, in my bed.” Her eyes flashed. “I have even asked for your hand, and yet you refuse. I would like to know the reasons why.”

Link grumbled, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He didn’t want to explain. Even to his mind the reasons seemed foolish, but he wasn’t about to let his stance in this falter. “Zelda,” he began, trying to look straight into her eyes, but feeling even more uneasy when he did so. She was not going to take any lies from him, and she’d sniff him out in a second if he did. He squirmed.

“I - I just can’t do that,” he said, letting out a frustrated sigh. “Why ever not!” she said, her tone rising. “…It’s… I can’t do that to the kingdom,” Link said, averting his eyes from her again. Her gaze was frightening him more than Ganon did. It was almost an irrational reason for them to be separated, but it had to be done. Zelda was still for a moment, remaining stiff, but the blaze of anger in her eyes had quenched some. An uneasy silence filled the room.

“… You refuse to marry me… to leave Hyrule open to a union from marriage?” Zelda said, her voice barely audible. Link gulped, and then gave a short nod. Another pause, and then a sigh emanated from Zelda and her shoulders sagged. “I - I understand. It would be best for me to remain unmarried. But,” she trailed off, her eyes watering some. “I can’t help but be selfish in this matter.”


“It’s fine, Link,” Zelda said, her body slumping in defeat. “I know you’ll refuse me to keep Hyrule, and myself, safe.” She closed her eyes, speaking in a whisper. “But if you never try, you’ll never know. Foolish man.” A few tears trickled out, and she stood up quickly. “I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave me alone for a little while, Link. I need some time to myself,” she said, her gaze falling away from him again. Link wavered - he hated seeing her like this - but nodded slowly, bowing to her and turning to leave.


He turned to face her. “Yes?” Zelda had her back to him, her hand on the book she had left on the table. “Return in two hours time. I’ll see you then.” Link paused, his breath caught for a moment. He smiled a little, and nodded. “Yes, my queen,” he said, and left the room.


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