
Sep 11, 2010 22:59

Note:hai :3
i havn't made a tutorial in forever so yeah it was time.
this is just something pretty and simple, the way i like it.
Program: Photoshop CS4
Difficulty: Easy...i guess
Translatable: ?
We'll be going this today:

Start off with the base picture you want.
i picked this picture of Billie Joe lieing down and being all sexy on stage.

First off make it black and white.
just go to Image > Adjustments > Hue and Saturation
bring the saturation down to -100 and click OK

Make the image more darker.
You duplicate your base and put that duplicate on OVERLAY-100%
Duplicate the background again and drag it to the top. Put that duplicate on SCREEN - 100%

Now merge the layers. (ctrl + e)

If you want you can sharpen it, i did that. but its optional.

Duplicate the picture and put it on SCREEN 100%

Go to Filter > Blur > Radial Blur
put in:
Amount: 12
Blur Method: Spin
Quality: Good
and click OK

Now the image got all round.
what you want to do is to bring the person/object out of this blur.
To do that just take a round eraser brush, with soft edges, and click to get the person/object out.
Also erase the edges, so it makes a round circle like the image below:

Duplicate that round blur layer and put it on SCREEN-100%

Make a new layer and fill it with this color: #050505
Put this layer on LUMINOSITY 45%
it should look something like this:

Then you make a new layer, make your forground color white and take a pretty big ass size round brush, a soft big ass brush, and klick once somewhere on the round blur thing. and put the opacity to 47% like this:

Make a new layer and fill it with: #000000
Take a big round, soft eraser brush and click softly on the person/object and once on where you have the big white light. so it should look something like this:

This next step is optional, and you can use any sort-of dark color you want. i picked #071801.
Make a new layer and fill it with the color you pick and put it on EXCLUSION 15%.

Now make a Hue/Saturation layer and put these settings in.
Hue: 0
Saturation: -100
Lightness: -38
and click OK.
then put that layer on 78% opacity.

then you can put some optional text in.
I used Sylfaen and Mistral.

Do show me your results :3
Oh and this is my alternetive outcome of just..playing around:


sexy, tutorial, black, billie, cs4, joe, by, green, tessie, armstrong, photoshop, white, day

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