Steve Wesker

Sep 21, 2009 04:58

Wesker had been in Alfred’s room previously, arranging a small experiment, answering a few questions.
Obligatory business things, but still, they had to be done.
With that over, there was nothing else to do but go and visit his target. The young Master Burnside who had, not knowing it, given himself away already. A bit of clever hacking and Wesker had found all he needed in Steve’s journal after leaving a calculated comment.
This was going to be fun.
The blonde took a second to compose his thoughts before entering his room. It had been a while since he had been there… a week in fact but he had tried to keep away from the room as much as possible.. And the way things were going.. He would probably be transferred anyways.

Steve looked up from the tiled floor, he'd been glaring at it for about an hour. He was in a fowl mood, and hearing the blonde’s voice just irritated him. Instead of responding with words, Steve just nodded his head in Wesker's direction.

That...was irritating. He was seriously going to snub him? This kid had the nerve?
Wesker would have appreciated the backbone if it didn’t piss him off so bad.
Still, there was work to be done.
Control yourself Albert.
“Alfred piss you off that badly?”

"Naww, bad food." The redhead replied sarcastically. Normally, he'd be more careful about what he was saying but he was pretty aggravated.
"What do you care anyway? Pretending to be nice for some secret plot?"

It took most of his strength not to simply answer yes, part of him even wondered why might happen if he did. That would come in handy soon enough.
“Suspicious. Sure sign of a scorned lover.” A pause and Wesker sighed, sitting on the floor across from Steve. I don’t care.. But I’m interested…probably worth more in the long run anyways. Caring gets you hurt. Interest teaches.” A typical Wesker response but it made sense.

"What the hell could you find interesting in me?"
Steve actually looked up this time, a frown on his face. It was obvious he was studying Albert as if he were a book. The redhead was very suspicious of the older man, like he was riding on the edge of an elaborate trap.

“Many things actually… I’ve known Alfred for a long time and the fact that you would put yourself in a position like that… it caught my attention.” Steve had smoldering eyes. He was hurt, wounded through and through and savage like an animal. It was…almost endearing.
“What were you doing? Didn’t you know you’d get hurt?” Wesker’s tone softened slightly with a ‘genuine’ in of concern.

"Hn. I don't even know why I did it anymore. Maybe it was the familiarity, someone I know. I was drawn into it and here I am." Steve shrugged.
"Anyway...I have a question for you."

“Hn…though familiarity breeds contempt. What’s your question?” The blonde asked, raising an eyebrow.

Steve cracked a hopeful smile.
"There isn't a chance you have any booze hidden, is there?"
He only asked to change the subject. He didn't trust the blond at all, and he definitely wasn't about to spill all of his problems out to him.

Hn.. Smart boy. Might as well play along. Good things come with patience.
Wesker nodded. “I do.” He answered with an amused ‘were you wanting me to share?’ expression.
Still.. A little pity was in order he supposed. Maybe Alfred was right…this kid actually cared. Still he had said it himself. Alfred was familiar. Convenient. There was hope yet, and he would play nice.

A grin crept onto the redhead's face.
"You feeling generous?" He asked. Steve didn't know what would happen if he drank around Wesker, but if it meant he could escape then he wasn't sure if he really cared about the consequences. It wasn't like his life could get any worse.

“Sure” The tyrant answered and got up, crossing to where he kept his things.
A few clever bribes kept him in good standing and supply… plus there didn’t seem to be much objection to patients drinking. Funny but nice all the same.
“It won’t fix your problems you know…” He called from across the room. “But You don’t care…do you.”
Ah yes. He found what he was looking for. “Excuse me for a second.” Wesker said and stepped out of the room for less than five minutes, returning with a large cup of ice and two empty glasses.
“it’s a matter of principles but good scotch requires ice.”
Which was exactly what he retrieved form his things and set in front of Steve along with the glass and some ice, a glass for himself as well.
“I wanted to say.. That I’m sorry if I offended you last week.” When they had just met and were settling in.
“I had no real reason to upset you.” Yes.. Concede.. It made his want to cringe and throw up a little but it had to be done for the sake of the game.

The Canadian picked up his glass and took a drink. When Albert apologized he could have choked on the fiery liquid, but he didn't. He swallowed the liquor and made a slight face.
"Y'know, I don't wanna offend you cause I really appreciate you sharing your booze, but I get the feeling I'm being set up. Dunno why, but I do. It's not like you have a real reason to set me up, except maybe for some fun cause this place blows."

That made his chuckle. “Yes…yes it does but let me assure you that you aren’t on my list of playmates. Really if anything, I would find someone I already know…the door Dr. Birkin and Duvall come to mind. Why would feel the need to bother you whom I really have no connection to what so ever save your family business, which, for the record, I have nothing to do with anymore.” That had been an issue last time they had spoken and Wesker wanted to make a point of non-connection with Umbrella despite the face he was practically the company’s poster boy.

If this guy was toying with him, he was good at it. Steve could feel his will breaking, it would help a lot to just be able to talk. Balthier had said he was busy, and the redhead didn't want to be a bother. Albert Wesker was right here though, willing to communicate with him. Even share his booze, a very big plus. But something inside his gut said not to do it.
He chewed his lower lip in thought for a moment before speaking.
"That makes sense...but how do I really know that I'm not one of your 'playmates'? You got a pretty damn good argument, but I just swore to myself that I wouldn't trust anyone. Especially having to do with Umbrella, back then or now."

"You don't have to Steve.. I won't make you do anything. I was just offering. You look like you needed someone to talk to and though I'm probably not you're first choice, I seem to be the only choice. It's up to you really." Wesker Even went as far as sagging his shoulders just slightly to give the impression that he was relaxed on the floor, willing to sit there all night if he had to just to make sure Steve was alright.

Steve frowned in thought and looked away, lifting the cup to his lips. He took a long drink of the rum before lowering the glass and looking back at Albert.
" would be nice to talk..." He said, uncertainty in his voice.

“Then talk. This thing with Alfred…it really tore you a new one.” Never one to beat around the bush, Wesker took on a slightly easier to connect with speech pattern and a long sip of his own drink. This was torture.. He would need it.

"Well...I kinda feel bad for punching him in the face, but at the same time I feel like he really fuckin' deserved it. An' he thinks everything is fine between us...but it's not." The redhead paused to take another drink of the rum. He'd only had the equivalent to about three shots but he could already feel a buzz. In his defense though, it had been about a year and a half since he drank.
"He'd ditch me in an instant for Alexia, so I shouldn't get close anyway. I mean she's his sister, I don't stand a chance against that. An' even if I did, I wouldn't have him do it. “
The younger man was rambling now, he'd been ready to let this all out for a couple hours.
"I just don't know what to do...the smart thing would be to stop it all, but I guess the company is what makes it tempting."

“The company or the sex?” Wesker asked after a moment. “No offense.. It’s just what I heard.” Oh he was laughing on the inside. This was like candy from a baby.

A smirk tugged at the redhead's lips.
" was just the company...but since there’s sex too....let's just call it a very big plus."

"It's not that big" Wesker snorted and took a sip if his scotch, amused. That’s right... Steve didn't know any better... a pity.

The redhead laughed at that.
"Ok, maybe it's not. But the sex is nice at least." Steve drank some more of the alcohol. He was a lot more relaxed then before, he almost felt warm and bubbly on the inside. It was just the liquor, but it was still a nice feeling.

"Have you ever had good sex?" Wesker asked with a quirked eyebrow, trying not to full out laugh. Steve was mad at Alfred, ergo a bit of ego bashing wouldn't hurt is position or the experiment. Besides, Wesker liked having his options open.

" gets better each time, so yeah?"
Steve laughed, lifted his cup and tipped his head back to drink the rest of the contents.

"I meant, with someone who actually knows what they're doing...careful or you'll get drunk."

"Heh...ok, guess not. An' already halfway there."
Steve grinned.
"So you feelin' generous enough to let me have another glass?"

"How well do you hold your liquor?" The man replied. If something should happen, and Steve were drunk.. it wouldn’t count for the experiment but what's worse Steve could claim rape.

"It's been a while since I've had any but I know how to drink. I'm not gonna black out or vomit if that's what you mean."

"Hn. Good." And Wesker poured them both a second glass. "May I say something inappropriate?" He asked after they both took their fist sip of the new glass.

One slender brow raised.
"Sure..." He said cautiously, his bright gaze watching him close. He took a drink of the rum and waited for Albert to speak.

“I could be a bit drunk…you have no idea how many meds I’m on…” Good first the disclaimer. Wesker smiled slightly and ran his hand through his hair, ‘inadvertently’ rustling it a bit. Good…Bring yourself to a more accessible point. He’s listening, shoot to kill.

“I Actually find you quite attractive myself.” Wait for the response then strike again.

Normally Steve would have been blushing but the booze made him far more bold then normal.
"Yeah?" He asked, smirking.
"You're pretty hot yourself..." He said as he lifted his cup to take another long drink out of it. He didn't know why he was feeding into it, he was starting to get drunk and it was getting easier to forget reality.

A frank but buzzed answer. It was nice to hear at least.
“Steve.. I lied to you. I did have an ultimatum in speaking with you tonight…” Wesker began, feigning guilt by playing with the lip of his glass.

"I thought so. So...what is it?"
The redhead frowned and watched Albert close. He was way too curious thanks to the booze.

The older man took a small pause for dramatics. He was good at this.
“I wanted an excuse to come and see you…” He mused aloud, rocking off his feet and leaning foreword over the bottle and ice in between them.
“So I could do this..”
One swift movement and Steve was flat on his back, glasses and bottle pushed aside and Wesker on top, lips crushing down on the other’s.
There had been enough words for one night.

Blue eyes widened in surprise and Steve's hands went straight to Albert's shoulders. His intent was to push him back and ask what the hell he was doing but he didn't. Instead one of his hands snaked around the older man's neck and pulled him closer, kissing him hard. It felt so wrong kissing him, but he was drawn in. Maybe it was the power the infected man had (it was no secret to Steve, his cat like eyes were a dead giveaway), or perhaps it was just the rum.

A good question but no sense in temping fate. Albert had never had trouble scoring …something that had frustrated William to no end in their youth for many reasons, but right now it didn’t seem to matter.
In all honesty and at the risk of sounding far too creepy, Steve really wasn’t that bad to look at. He was young, awkward but intelligent, one hell of a firecracker…and not too hard on the eyes.
Wesker might just have to prolong this little game for a while.
Now, Steve had taken the kiss, even grabbing him to return it after a moment. Encouragement…
Fantastic. The tyrant smiled internally and playfully bit the other’s bottom lip between kisses, looking for an opening, an excuse to invade the other’s mouth.

Steve propped himself up on one elbow and used his other hand to pull Albert's mouth against his, nipping at the blonde's tongue teasingly. It didn't feel the same as with Alfred, he was nervous then. Right now Steve was caught up in the lust, unable to stop himself from doing what he knew he shouldn't be doing.

It would have probably been wise to call it quite right then and there, prove his point, gloat, then leave, but it wasn’t Wesker’s style. He was having fun and they seemed compatible enough for this purpose.
Tongues battled as only they could and they two began to find a natural rhythm in which they found their positions and places should the activity continue into something…more.
One last thing, Wesker remembered, and broke their kiss for a second. “I swear to god if you claim rape tomorrow I’ll kill you myself Understand?”

" 'm not gonna claim rape." The redhead said quickly, raising his eyebrow at Albert.

“Good.” The boy seemed honest about it. That was good enough for him. The blonde move sideways, tugging at Steve to follow as he made them stand and migrate towards closest bed. Wesker’s ironically. Funny how that worked. They only parted quick enough for Wesker to take a desk chair and jam it under the room’s doorknob. Being barged in on was the last thing they would need.
That over and done with the tyrant found he was already tugging at pieces of clothing, eager for them to hit the ground. Yes… he really was beginning to enjoy himself. Perks like this were always nice.

By the time they were both nude, the redhead was blushing slightly. He'd scanned the blonde's muscular body and the moment his blue gaze landed on the tyrant's cock, his cheeks turned red. Just the sight turned him on more then he'd ever been.
Just the sight of Steve blushing was enough to make this worth it, Wesker noted, placing the last of his garments, his precious sunglasses, out of harm’s reach.
“Are you alright Steve?” He asked, laughter in his voice. This was another small victory over Alfred and he loved it. If there was one thing Wesker couldn’t stand it was all the ‘Ashford s are so great and royal’ nonsense that they practically oozed. He had managed to get Alfred to quiet down a little bit but any win over him felt good.

"I-I'm fine." Steve said quickly before pressing his body against the other‘s. Once again his hand was around the back of Wesker's neck, pulling him down and kissing him hungrily.

Ah yes, skin contact, Two hot bodies pressing up against each other, grinding in blind lust as lips did battle for some inkling of dominance. Wild fingers found new land, nails scraping, pulling the softest of moans from deep within the other.
Steve was responsive, Wesker got lucky. He liked getting lucky.

The redhead broke the kiss and moaned, panting for breath. Any logic had left his brain, the only thing on his mind was the pleasure. Steve rocked his hips against Albert's as a hint to progress, the ache in between his legs too much to take any longer.

Certainly all the prompting that any man would need.
Albert smiled through the kiss which had worked it’s way down Steve’s neck and across his shoulder, bite marks leaving a visible trail. They wouldn’t bruise but they were visible for the rest of the night at least.
Something about leaving a small brand. An unconscious need.
Pressed against the light sheets, body heat taking control as friction became a main factor of skin to skin contact.
If this was going to end correctly, something had to give.
The younger man’s arousal to name one.
Who ever had said Wesker wasn’t generous could rot in hell.
Kisses lead downwards, dangerously close in fact, then found themselves on the redhead’s member, hot breath and lost lips against his straining skin.

When Steve's felt Albert's mouth on his erection, he moaned loudly and tried not to arch his back. His fingers pulled at the sheets and his fists clenched, his knuckles turning white. He'd never gotten head, not even from the girl (Sarah, or Rachel, Steve couldn't remember) he'd lost his virginity to. The tyrant's mouth was hot and velvety, and pretty much the best feeling he'd ever felt during sex.

The kid was sensitive, almost gleeful. Must have been a first. Good. First impressions were oh so very important. Especially in this department.
He let his tongue do most of the work, aided by suction of course, swirling from shaft to head and back, working it’s way along his member, taking a bit more in with each downward motion, one hand gently holding Steve’s testicles. Just enough stimulation to overpower the mind but not hurt. Never hurt.

The Canadian moaned again louder. He had to refrain from thrusting his hips against the blonde's mouth and if Wesker kept this up he wouldn't last long at all.

He did continue though, the aim of the game being to finish and move on. They really didn’t have all that much time and he was hoping to get through as much as possible. Short of finishing in the closet later on were they to get interrupted.

Steve tried to supress a moan to avoid someone hearing them from in the hall by biting his own hand to supress it. The heat was pooling in his groin, the pleasure almost too much to bare. The redhead bit into his lower lip as he came, groaning and clutching at the bed sheets tightly.

Being a very neat monster, Wesker swallowed , making sure not to spill. Explaining cum stained sheets to the staff would be more trouble then it was worth. Well. It had certainly been a long time since Wesker had given head but it seemed he hadn't lost his touch. Good to know. Hadn’t eve gotten a chance to use all his tricks. If there was a next time, he could use them then. Even better.
To give Steve a chance to catch his breath, the tyrant got up from his position and retrieved a small bottle from is things as well as his glass of scotch which he took a large swig from.
“If you can move, roll over.” He Said, an order in the most sexual of purrs.

Steve did as he was told, a shudder running down his spine from just the sound of the tyrant's voice.

“Good boy.” Albert said and approached the bed, glad for the opportunity to let go of some much repressed need. Sure, he had fooled around with Alfred but never actually had sex with him.
It had been a while indeed.
The bottle he grabbed was a clear lubricant smelling faintly of sweet lemon. Nothing too overbearing and edible should it be required.
That and a latex condom, which really, was very important in preserving the health of his partners. Otherwise the infection would spread and there would be a most unfortunate of outbreaks.
He took an ample amount of the gel and coated himself, his first two fingers, and Steve’s entry after settling himself on the bed in a comfortable position.
“You’ve done this before but I’ll be careful for as long as I can.”

Steve nodded and glanced over his shoulder, watching the tyrant close. Just watching Albert was making him hard again and the anticipation was driving him insane.

They certainly hadn’t wasted any time.
It was nice.
Satisfied there was enough lube, Wesker pushed one finger into Steve slowly, letting his body adjust to the foreign object, probing softly before adding another, stretching appropriately as not to hurt the other. On hand busy there, his other held the other’s side, a small growl as patience waned. Once happy that there would be no problems, Wesker positioned himself - head at Steve’s entry point before slowly pushing his way inside, cursing under his breath at the absolute tightness of the cavity. It was.. sublime. Not wonder Alfred was so happy in bed with this mink of a find.

Again Steve clutched at the bed sheets, moaning from the pained pleasure. Wesker was definitely larger then Alfred but it still didn't hurt as bad as the first time.

That noise…Wesker nearly lived for that noise and the work it did on his ego was nearly funny with how much it could inflate from one little word.
He withdrew nearly all the way before thrusting back in, hands taking their place holding Steve’s hips, the duo forging a rhythm as they went.

The redhead groaned and slammed his hips back, craving more of the other man's large member. He could feel sweat building up and he was panting heavily.
Wesker groaned lightly, feeling the body underneath him rock with each thrust, each movement pushing them closer and closer to the brink of sexual elation. His scent, his taste. There was something so new, so fresh...and yet the smallest hint some something familiar. Dormant.. laying deep inside.. just waiting to shift it's haunches and raise it's head.

The redhead slammed his hips back this time to take Wesker's cock as deep as possible, flexing his ring of muscle to stimulate the tyrant further. He felt better then he'd ever felt during sex, the dark aura the other man had made it feel more erotic. It was almost as if he could feel the infection, which was weird for Steve.

He had promised the other that he would control himself as long as possible but it was proving difficult.
Racing heartbeats, erratically heaving chests, voices crying to escape lest they be overheard.
Clamoring hands demanding the attention of flesh, writhing bodies, the sound of blood as it rushed through their veins, clogging his ears from anything else. Just the lust imbibing noise of blood and sex.
Albert Wesker had lost control. A very rare occurrence even in sex.
It was true that this was just sex, mindless, random sex, but there was something about Steve. Emotions devoid, it was purely physiological.
This wasn’t gentle sex, it hadn’t been for a while and yet the boy took it. Begged for more, happily impaling himself over and over again.
There could be internal damage…something broken…the pain from an injury like that would have shot through him any pleasure felt would disappear…
This hadn’t happened.
It was nearly like being with one of his own. Someone that had under gone the same genetic experimentation Wesker had subjected himself to, helped research and develop.
How very odd but be damned if it wasn’t causing him to half lose him mind.

The redhead bit into his lower lip once again and thrust his hips back as hard as he could. He could taste something metallic in his mouth and he realized he'd broken the skin. In a sense the blood turned him on more.
For the second time that night, Steve could feel what felt like liquid fire pooling in his groin. He tipped his head back and moaned loud as he came, his entire body tensing from the intense pleasure.

Steve shuddered underneath and Albert groaned, the smell of blood and seamen hitting his senses and driving him over the edge.
A few more thrusts, enjoying stamina, so very “Nugh-”
As much of a warning as Steve was going to get before orgasm gripped him, wiping his mind, nerves on fire, testicles seizing through rolls of pleasure. He gasped for air and tried not to cry out; Finger’s clutched hard enough to leave bruises in the shape of hands, and came.
A shiver raced over his entire body as muscled seized then relaxed in perfect calm.

The Canadian practically collapsed, panting heavily. His legs were shaking from the force of his orgasm and he felt like jello.
"J..Jesus...." He let out between pants for breath. He glanced over his shoulder to watch Wesker, searching for a reaction.

Albert had his head hung in sexual relief. He was covered in sweat, his hair a mess, still panting.
And looked genuinely pleased, even a pleasant smile dared to cross his lips. The snapshot giving just the tiniest hint of the past, a possible human being existing in the body of the present-day.
Wesker pulled out and removed his condom, tying and rolling it in a few Kleenex before thronging it in the trashcan. He would deal with that later, but he was tired. Having done that with a little movement as possible, the man returned to the bed without so much as saying one word and rolled onto his back next to the redhead, silently evaluating the happenings of the last few minutes, and questioning why Steve wasn’t writhing in pain from a broken pelvis or internal ruin.

The air didn't seem as awkward as it should have and it weirded Steve out that he felt...content and comfortable. He wasn't even drunk anymore, the booze had worn off ages ago.
The redhead rolled onto his back as well and stared at the bottom of the top bunk. What he'd done was wrong, and against anything he believed in, yet he felt like he wouldn’t want to be any where else in the world at that moment. And he didn't even LIKE Wesker. It seemed wrong that he was so drawn in.

The tyrant let the silence settle for a moment before speaking, looking over Steve’s prone form as he did so, noting the small scrapes and bruises that were threatening to for along his otherwise porcelain skin.
“May I ask you something…” This feeling…the sent of his blood. It had all been too much to handle.. But that couldn’t be addressed quite yet.

"Yeah, shoot." Steve said, turning onto his side to face the blonde man.

Sharp eyes monitoring for any wince of pain, any sign of injury. There was none. Even more perplexing.
“I was rough…” The question fell short, the second half being asked silently instead.

One eyebrow raised and a smirk tugged at the younger man's lips.
"And?" He asked, rolling onto his side to face Wesker. It didn't bother him at fact, he found that he enjoyed it rough like that. It was better then his first time by a long shot and while his muscles were a bit sore, he was perfectly content.

“Nothing… you just.. Don’t seem to be suffering from any kind of broken pelvis or spinal injuries.. You aren’t bleeding out… I’m not sure you realize how rough we were. You know what I am… it would be difficult for a normal man to stand up to what I did to you and yet… you’re fine.” He was confused. Pleased, interested, but confused.

"I..yeah....that is weird isn't it. Can...can I ask YOU something?" Steve asked, sitting up suddenly. Something didn't feel right.

It was only fair. “Alright..” Wesker replied, blowing a bit of stray hair out of his eyes.

" it weird's like..I can feel it. Y'know...the..infection I mean." He said quietly. It just didn't make sense to him, how could he feel Wesker's infection?

That was strange. It threw him back a bit even. Here Wesker had been expecting some gay question relating to relationships or the position of gay in the sky with gay rising…
And here was a very unsettling question.
“You can what?”

"...I dunno why but....I just…feel it. It's like...something about you is different...tainted...." Steve said, frowning. He left out the comforting part, that wasn't something he was going to say to Wesker.
"This may sound stupid...but it's like you have an aura about you I guess..."

The tyrant took a moment to consider this. “You can sense me… smell that something is off.” He said slowly and scooted just the smallest bit closer, brain a rush with possibilities. Had he passed the infection? Had it taken? Tyrant matches were 1/100,000.. The odds alone… but if he had. Wouldn’t it be marvelous.

Steve's gaze found Wesker's infected ones and he felt something deep inside of him he couldn't describe. It wasn't the cheesy falling in love feeling by any means, it was unexplainable. It was just drawing him in, like a moth to a flame.

“You can…can’t you. You can feel the virus in my blood. I’ll confirm right here and now that normal men can’t do that.” Might as well be truthful for the moment. This was very big news and Wesker felt almost….what was the word…giddy.
He moved nearer, edging slowly, just close enough to lean in and claim the other’s still bleeding lips. Steve’s blood…if there was indeed infection he would be able to sense something no matter how scarce…
What he found was better then sex.

Steve was surprised when Albert kissed him but it didn't stop him from leaning in and indulging his desire to be touching the blond. The taste of Wesker's mouth was enough to make him groan again and he didn't understand why. It just felt so good, so…right.

It was called familiarity of the breed but now wasn’t the right time to talk about it.
Yes. There was something in him. Blood never lied.
Blood was the essence of truth in all forms and above all else could be relied upon and straight scientific fact.
He liked this one…just might keep him.
The kiss deepened for a second, still greedy hand finding it’s way across the flanks of Steve’s exposed body before breaking away once more.
“It’s nothing to worry about.” No reason to worry him now. There were more tests…observations were needed. A good thing they shared a room. This was nearly perfect.
“I’m sure you were just. Caught up in the moment.”

The kiss itself made Steve feel shaky and it made him almost doubt Wesker's words. Why should he be able to feel the virus? But then again...if something were going on and Albert knew, he may not keep something like that a secret from him.

Which was exactly what Wesker was doing, and had planned on doing until the time was absolutely right and he was absolutely one hundred percent sure this is what was going on.
If it was just a regular infection, he would have to kill the boy and burn his corpse.
If it was something more than that, the mutation risk alone was nearly too much to handle.
He had a limited supply of drugs that could be siphoned from the ones he himself took daily to prevent any problem especially if it was the same strain of infection, his having been specifically engineered to minimize mutation, there was still hope. A new project. Something to finally do and a possible outcome of such glorious success….
He couldn’t wait.
“I’m going to shower. I suggest you do the same.” Laying there talking was pushing their time boundaries, any longer and someone was bound to come trouncing in…or try to and then wonder why the door was locked.

"Yeah..good call. Someone's gotta be wondering where we are at this point anyway."
Steve sat up and grabbed his pants from the floor. He stood up and put them on before leaning over and grabbing the two abandoned cups. The redhead drank the remaining rum in his glass before glancing back at Wesker.
"Y'know, we can't just throw these away. They reek of booze."

“You go. I’ll take care of things here then follow. I was going to say that anyways. Staggering appearances keeps suspicion low. I’ll see you later.” The older man said and combed his hair back, grabbing for his pants, then sunglasses.

Nodding, Steve set the glasses on the dresser and headed out. He didn't mind the abrupt ending to the amazing sex, in fact, he welcomed it. It wasn't exactly awkward, but something was off and he wanted to stew it over, think about everything that had just happened.
He walked to the door and grabbed the doorknob, but glanced back at Wesker.
"See you later then." He said before opening the door and heading to the shower.

Wesker nodded as Steve left and began to put the room back together again lest anyone should be suspicious of the activities that had occurred.
Things were about to get a whole lot more interesting and frankly, he couldn't ask for anything more.
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