(no subject)

Nov 22, 2008 20:44

The contents of Wesker’s encrypted hard drive. I'm storing it here until he wakes up...hn....and it looks like we got some things to discuss. I wiped his computer clean, so if Chris thinks to look there, he won't find anything. I also found a notebook hidden on the underside of his desk...there's some interesting stuff inside. I hid it, of course, but just in case I'm not going to say where. It seems like the stuff in the notebook is more important then what's on this computer.

Of course, if anyone but me tries to get into this file, it'll be automatically deleted before the person can even see the contents. Only I know the password. One wrong key and it's all gone.

{Two files, one containing pictures, the other holding various word documents.
Each document is filed neatly in alphabetical order by name, these being either a patient or staff member of Malaise. Each file is also tagged by lever of interest to Wesker and his endeavors.}

Alfred Ashford

Moderate interest.
His ties to Steve put him in an unfortunate situation, a pawn nevertheless.

Chris Redfield

High interest.
It seems my old field has once again come to check on me.
Well, he won’t find anything here.
How touching it is to find that he could never let me go.

Claire Redfield

High interest.
The idiot sister is here as well.
It remains to be seen how Steve will react.
Another perfect little pawn.

Jill Valentine

Mild interest.
Ms. Valentine has also followed Chris’ example and come to waste her time. I fear this is beginning to look more and more like a circus.

Leon Scott Kennedy

High interest.
A practical little pawn. I am nearly eager to see how this plays out.

Sakura Haruno

Moderate interest.
The acting physician assigned to my file. I must keep a close eye on her for she seems far too interested in dissecting both my personality and DNA. This simply will not due.
On the other hand, her character is open and easy to frustrate.
Subject could come in handy at a later date. She is of

The fool has demanded a blood sample. Infection is infection, it matters little to me should she slip and the vile break.
There would be no real loss.

I was able to recover the sample and correctly dispose of it.
Steve Burnside

High interest.
His transfer here was a complete success. As of now, he is unaware of my involvement in his case or whereabouts, let alone the sub management of his infection and I would like to keep it that way for as long as possible. This remote location is ideal for his trial. Plenty of subjects to collect data against with a minimal outbreak risk. His involvement with Alfred Ashford was unexpected but it too can have it’s advantages.


Moderate interest.
The man put in the roll of my therapist is intriguing to say the least. Cold and uninterested, it would lead one to believe that his position is to cover an ulterior motive. He makes no move to express a want to ‘help’ me or any real obligation to prescribe and kind of therapeutic conversation.
For now, Tseng remains a person of little risk and I have the express feeling that he will stay as such. He seems to have no reason to get into my business except maybe amuse himself personally.
Under different circumstance he could prove a worth while employee.


Tseng’s employment as the institution has been terminated just as planned. I expect another will take his place shortly. A pity almost, he was good for a word or two on occasion.

William Birkin

Low interest.
Everything is going according to plan.
I had forgotten what a magnificent actor he could be. It’s so…refreshing.

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