"Since when did Liberals care about character any way?"
Since always.
Will always.
Read the thread here:
http://community.livejournal.com/politicsforum/1743266.html?thread=57245090#t57245090 It was proven that Bristol is pregnant, but, the glee in which Liberals like squidboi try to prove it is saddening. The same people that defended Clinton for trying to pork Lewinski in the Oval Office, the same people that declare that the wife and children of Obama are off limits are the same that are trying to smear a girl who made a mistake. I wonder which mistake is worse: the act or that she didn't abort at the first sign. I may not know much about Palin, but it is refreshing to see that a candidate stick with their convictions, rather than fluttering in the wind at the first sign of problems. You hear that Obama?