Fri, 04:00: RT @ meilie0506: Somehow I like the Gazette new looks, it's simple, almost normal yet makes them all look eatable lol~
Fri, 04:20: bujug!!... OHP crash.. to many people accessing at the same time.. orz
Fri, 04:24: anooo... bang aoi belum hadir... gak mao berursan dgn crazy fans ato lagi sholat jumat ??... hmm
Fri, 04:31: RT @ hakitaruntrans: When did you think you found yourself & your direction? ル:Ah, I think around when Kai joined the band.
Fri, 04:32: RT @ Asyriani: All Gazefans lets bombard the TL with the GazettE New Single REMEMBER THE URGE, New Album TOXIC, Live Tour 11 VENOMOUS CEL ...
Fri, 04:33: RT @ hakitaruntrans: Btw- I had fun spazzing with the gazefans of the world lol. Gazerock never dies!! RAWR!
Fri, 05:27: RT @ theGazettE_TNL: The moment after 1 hour of excitement. All the fans are shaking from the inside
Fri, 05:34: RT @ theGazettE_USA_: 27 LIVES IN ALL, the final date/place has not been released (from what I can tell) That would make the 28th live in ...
Fri, 06:14: RT @ GAZeRoCkNoTD3aD: the GazettE Tour and album and single, when will they be ready for pre-order? ;-;