So today Tinypic shut down its "international" services and is probably only going to serve to those of you in America.
However this means I just lost all the pictures for all of my entries since the beginning of this LJ community.
This also means that the posts I have not made myself cannot be edited to add the old pictures.
I'm not sure what I should do at this moment. I can't see me having the time to go through all posts and re-adding the pictures through another uploading site. I'm also not 100% keen on copy and paste all the posts
zoeycleybourne and
nerefir made and add them back on the correct dates with added pictures.
All the pictures are still at Takeru's blog for now and thus not lost forever. Therefore I beg you to have patience with me until I actually find the time to correct this. Unless someone of you have a bright idea which I'm probably overlooking because I'm mad.
Good day/night to you all~