Title: The Porn Xander Found in Spike's Crypt
3xcereal Rating: NC-17-ish
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Xander, Implied Spike/Buffy
Word Count: 100, according to OpenOffice Writer. :D
Beta Reader: None, so there will (probably) be mistakes.
A/N: This is my first attempt at a drabble. It is silly, but I hope someone likes it. LOL
With the faintest press of play, the VCR whirred softly to life. Xander slumped on the couch and rubbed his hands together in anticipation. An eager smile played on his face.
As the screen flashed for a moment, he pulled his shorts down and gave his cock a slow stroke.
The picture soon became clear. A large, thick penis plunged into a clean shaven pussy.
Xander began rhythmically pumping his cock with the thrusts of the porn star, until he heard the familiar British accent and saw his Buffy-shaped friend.
He gaped at the TV.
Never steal from Spike.