
Blood Sofa

Mar 30, 2008 23:13

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5, output, random design

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WTF! WORD LIMIT!? j_polka April 4 2008, 08:01:52 UTC
Might as well comment in chronological order. Make it easier for everyone.

Hungry Face = Sexy Face. ;D

"I wanted to distinguish nose features between my characters."
Heh, I like the way you draw nose. But don't take this the wrong way. I rarely see any differing noses in your characters. It's always the little slit(which I like), if you draw any nose at all. Hahah. I do see though that you've got a bit more form on the noses in those new drawings. And great positioning on those angles.

Hah, on the Alex painting I drew a slit for the sketch, but once I got around to the oils, failed at creating it with proper depth. So Alex has a big fat JEW NOSE. Which works out, because he's Israeli right? Haha.. ha..... ha...
Hmmm, that painting has been on my mind lately. It's really bad, and really BIG. It's size alone is really concerning me now. FUCK. What the hell was I thinking. You've got no room in the apparement I know, and you said you can't really bring it home. Yeah. It's gonna be an eye-sore and a burden, unlike the 2 smallers ones which you can hide. Fuck fuck fuck! I'm really sorry. I was just really excited to be able to send a painting to you. Fuck!
I can't think of what to do with it now, according to the tracking number, it's in Montréal. MERDE! Half way there.

Now that's out of the way. :0

Oh isn't this very nice of you. c: Thanks very much for the Deany sketch. Heh, Deany started off as a character based off a familiar forum type I'm not too fond of. But her progressive design and character has made her currently one of my favourite characters. So I really do appreciate this. Splendid job on her too! See's got that huge grin on her face, which I'm sure is her most recognizable feature... If not the goggles.
I would really like to get OT chapter 2 online now. I've started it several times now, but ended up going back to page one being unsatisfied with medium or pacing. Gonna get into Deany's background in that one, as well Agnes and Marissa. All between silly zombies and giant mutated hungry insects.
Huh? Trailing off again? Oh well. Thanks again.

Too quote on alexds.
"siamese butt twins"
Hahahah. I really like how the black markings extend into what looks like addition limps. More of the awesome twisted anatomy.

Zeromoama... Zeromo has a cool eye ball. I shall scoop it out and place it in a jar on my shelf.
"folded thumb"
Folded Thumb? Hmm. I wonder if that's an actual condition. *google* Aw, nothing.
Care to explain? I'm interested.

All these ink marks. I wonder if all your characters in this series have them. Sorry if that was blatantly obvious.
I have a "ink mark". It's a little dot on my left hand from getting stabbed with a nib pen. It's a brutish tattoo. Hah!

Look at this, a line up of what I'm going to assume is their younger selves?
I like that Rufyte seems to be "the tall kid", being I was once the tall kid myself.

Ok, when I made that statement about removing Cromus's face, I was only joking! Hahaha.
Oh, you cut his feet off too. When will the mutilation end! I see Cromus in the future having no physical body at this rate Heheheeeeeeeeee.
He'll be some kind of energy, with various collected body parts spiraling around him in a mess.
Hmmm... Actually. Do what you want with your characters of course. I'm gonna write down that formless collective mass of a character for future use. Though I guess it's kinda similar to the monster "Nyx" who will appear in the later chapters of OutTake. Formless organic blob which absorbs other life forms in order to construct itself.
Whoops, trailing off once again.
What I meant to simply say is "I LIKE YOUR SKETCHES!"

Hey, there's me again. Ha. Painting is fun.
Regret is not.

I never realised LJ had a word limit. Haha, isn't that why you couldn't reply with the Necrovore info. Guess I forgot.
I'll finish up my comment on a reply to this one.


PART TWO'D j_polka April 4 2008, 08:05:30 UTC
"We know return you to our regularly broadcast programing."

Hah. I asked you about the Necrovores on the past entry. And now you write out an essay of a scientific classification profile for them. I feel a tad bit guilty for consuming your time. NOM NOM NOM , delicious.

Oh, cool. We have similar organism in our fictional universes. I'm not gonna get into too much detail because it'd be spoi-la-rific. But in one of my future conceptual settings I got a plant with a similar life cycle. Infiltrate host and manipulate mind slightly, or in rare cases, near complete controll. Of course control is needed to cause greater damage to the host species, and insure survival of the parasite.
Mine will slowly aborb the nutrients out of the host, which it will live in for day. The plant spores do grow within the host, and they will sprout from the live host externally. While internally in tangling itself within the host's nervous system, gain further manipulation, and making it lethal to remove. In time the "external bulbs" will bloom, and at this point the host does die. From there it continues to work on the smelly rotten corpse as any fungi would.
In time, the host's body will erupt forth all the collective spores the parasite created. And any one if the "spore bomb's" radius is pretty well screwed. KILL IT WITH FIRE!

Not as in depth as yours, but the similarities are there.
Your Necrovores sound really fun though. They have personality unlike my pretty flowers.
My idea spawned fourth from two of my favourite parasitic organisms. The Rafflesia, a parasitic plant where it's appearance is based from. And of course the all mighty Cordyceps Fungi!
I have a weird love of parasites, they're very interesting. I think I also have Toxoplasma Gondii play a small role in this universe. Another cool parasite with mind manipulating powers. Oooo!

Haha, I got carried away again. I'm not gonna apologize for the long comment though. I think we can work for this bizarre guilt.



Re: PART TWO'D 3x3 April 10 2008, 04:59:03 UTC

"Look at this, a line up of what I'm going to assume is their younger selves?
I like that Rufyte seems to be "the tall kid", being I was once the tall kid myself."

Incorrect. Only Goliat was drawn in his younger-self...but it does not matter anymore because I drew all of them deformed. Rufyte lost his mustache during development quite some time ago. Yeah you are like a mile high. Your lungs are going to get filled with water and die[this is what I have been told in 2nd grade about tall people]

"Though I guess it's kinda similar to the monster "Nyx" who will appear in the later chapters of OutTake. Formless organic blob which absorbs other life forms in order to construct itself."

Ah, that sounds like an interesting creature. I would be interested to see it. Perhaps you can sketch the concept out? and post it? ON LJ? PERHAPS?


" I feel a tad bit guilty for consuming your time. "

I actually had a lot of fun writing it. I was pretty excited when you asked me that question. Because I feel like I am bothering people if I post any "informations" without getting asked first.

"Not as in depth as yours, but the similarities are there."

I may sound like an ass here, but whenever someone say this to me it makes me very worried. It is not because I feel "FUCK YOU STOLE MY IDEA", but it is because I think that YOU will think "FUCK YOU STOLE MY IDEA". This is a reason why a lot of my idea "dies". It is just because of this inconvenient fear. I am completely capable of leaving artists alone when a simliarity is found if they simply accept and acknowledge the simliarity and perhaps indicate that they will consider it when they are developing it furthur. That is all...They do not even have to confess that they were influenced by [insert artist here] But I have never seen anyone do it. So it makes me worried that no one will treat me the same way I am willing for others.

thanks for sharing information about your "flower". [hehe] I know that there is a simliarity but I enjoyed reading it. Yours sound more lethal and, perhaps, more visually entertaining when it "blooms". Hmm...where will these creatures get featured? OutTake? Or is this just a random idea?

Maybe I will share information about other "vores" soon. I had a lot of fun typing that out but I think I will not just write paragraphs for other ones; I may include visual aids for others to reduce the pain reading them.

"I have a weird love of parasites, they're very interesting."

I have to agree. I always liked the concept of parasite's life cycle. And something about them makes me feel very "werid". I also "summon" them in my lucid dreams where I am a host of a parasite and slowly die/deform. It feels so nice. harhar. I do not know the name of that parasite but they only attack insects, and first thing they attack is, interestingly, their brain. So the insect begin to act extremely disoriented and disorganized until they die and release "blooms". They facinated me to no end. Do you know about this parasite?

I think you definitely beat Simon now. Don't feel guilty. I feel guilty dammit! for making you write this long. I also feel bad not getting back to you quickly after you wrote this long. And in return, I am giving you shitload of crap to read. HAHA Let us beat ourselves to death together.

By the way, this first time I am hearing a music that is given by you. Which means, I will keep imagining it is YOU who are singing in all these musics. This had happened with Yoni Bloch as well. [I kept imagining Yotam is singing all the Yoni songs] I hope this is not a creepy thing to do. It is almost compulsive for me, and hard to stop. haha :C


Re: WTF! WORD LIMIT!? 3x3 April 10 2008, 04:58:40 UTC
"I rarely see any differing noses in your characters."

That's the exact problem I have. I cannot seems to be comfortable with drawing noses, thus I fail to explore the variance. I try to observe from real life or from photos but I cannot seems to particularly notice "significant difference" between people's noses. Perhaps my observation skill is decreasing.

"Alex has a big fat JEW NOSE. Which works out, because he's Israeli right?"

Haha I am looking at the Alex painting right now. Jew nose...it's like it is his center of mass. Hmm...I believe I have not told you that Alex is suppose to be from Israel/from that area. Or have I? My brain must have decayed a little.

Speaking of paintings, these paintings are better in person. I fucking love the GULPER...i put it on my wall. I spent long time touching and smelling it. [These paintings smell pretty good. So did the package when I opened it.]. I think I may get a frame fro the Gulper. The others shall burn! haha. No I like them. The Dolfyte painting looks more vibrant in real life HA! Hey man, the paintings are not as inconvenient as I feared it might. They are flat; they easily found a place to fit in safetly.

I got the package, i believe, two days ago. [sorry for not replying about it right away. It is not very cool when people respond slowly when a physical object is getting exhanged] CANDY HEART? You are killing me haha. I always wondered if there was something like this. That candy just made my day. I think it was better because it was oxidized; I will not feel bad because I am not eating it because I cannot eat it anyway! Dammit it was so awesome I do not even know how to word it out. I can't believe they just cut out aorta like that. I like that artery; the heart appear bit "bald" beause of it but I shouldn't be complaining.

Now my roommate officially believes I hang out with crazy individuals. [She also saw me recieve hair from Yotam.]

Ah...also, I did not expect you to include a music CD in the package. Barenaked Ladies? What a strange name, but their music is not! They are pretty good. Added with CD Yotam sent me I am recently feeling a lot of good chemicals rush into my veins; it's making me to doodle more frequently, heh. It has been a while I sat down and listen to same music over and over and over again. Thanks a lot x 10^35. I am in debt. AAHHHHIHATEYOU

I enjoyed drawing Deany's grin. You have a lot of character that has a great grins, heh. I have not seen OutTake from you for a while now. Can't wait to see it continue and find out bit more about some character in that comic. Anges also sparks my curiosity a little bit. I remember trying to draw her, but I had difficulty drawing her hat...

"siamese butt twins"

Heh I liked that too. Maybe I will name the brother "Butt" and the sister "Twin". Thanks for the remark on the design.

"Folded Thumb? Hmm. I wonder if that's an actual condition."

ppffftth....you searched it. It is not an actual condition. There is nothing cool behind it. He just have them folded that way because it hurts him when his hand is completely open. Why his hand is like that is for the viewers to figure out, but I am quite lazy on starting any "comic", do I not!? FUN! Ever since this journal was posted, Zerom went through several, MORE name changes. I am actually beginning to piss myself off. Most recent name is "Zeromium". I think I will force myself to cease any more name modification and slit my wrist if I change again for punishment.

"I have a "ink mark". It's a little dot on my left hand from getting stabbed with a nib pen. It's a brutish tattoo. Hah!"

I recently recieved a tattoo with simliar method on my hand. I got it on there because I clapped while holding a pencil.

I am afraid I need to cut my comment here. I went over my limit.


Re: WTF! WORD LIMIT!? j_polka May 4 2008, 05:37:48 UTC

I love that you smelled the paintings. Must be the smell of oils. I dunno, saying that really made me happy. HAHAh!

I'm glad you like the Gulper, it was one of my favourites, so it's nice to know it's at work. Frame it? Aww, how nice. Actually, I wanted to ask, thought it sounds egotistic creepy. If it is on the wall, might you take a picture. I'm very curious to how it looks somewhere else.

"I did not expect you to include a music CD"
I believe I was trying out my ability to send music clips on music, and played Falling for the First Time over MSN. You said it was a nice song, and I instantly decrared you're getting a CD. :3
Sounds as if you like them. Yay.

Oh, you did mention simularities here. I guess I forgot, and thought it was about The Host, and not our silly parasite thingys.

And I believe that the rest of the comment was covered.
Just wanted to brign up why I sent a CD, and a hint towards a photo. ;D


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