Urgh, I've been reading the
thread about Douche Quadbike and seriously getting nauseated. I had to quit after a few pages because it reminds me so much of the ex, I mean EXACTLY like him. The outrageous threats and claims of What You're Going To Do, You Just Screwed Up Big, I Have Lawyers, etc., takes me right back to the bad old days of worrying myself sick over that piece of crap. I'm so glad he's dead, and hope this jerk drops off soon too. The world needs fewer sociopaths.
My hair came in and it looks like a wig. Ah well, maybe I can fiddle it around a bit. I need to get adhesive and maybe put on some makeup. It's not horrible, it just needs me to figure it out.
I've been trying to use the reel mower in the back yard but with all the rain the grass got about a foot high. I have bruised hands now. Shnookie went out and got a little gas mower for times like this, but he hasn't fired it up yet. He's been dealing with wayward bushes and trying to figure out how to sort out the honeysuckle with the possum grape vine entwined in it. Smells lovely but it's out of hand. I've pretty much decided to stick with the front yard if I'm going to mess with it at all.
Madison has gotten to the age of OHDRAMA! at every little thing. Tears, doors slamming, screaming that she hates everyone...it's joyous, I tell you. She's nearly nine so I'm thinking I'm going to start charting these things on the calendar. And then at night she needs a story and to be tucked in and nightlights.