Long overdue (I keep forgetting to post it)

Apr 16, 2008 05:18

April 7, 2008:

I'm 26 now. Too old to be drafted. Woo!

Picked up two nifty old clocks over the weekend -- a Detex Guardsman that my grandfather apparently stole from the plant he worked at, and an AcroPrint time clock from the thrift store. The latter does not exist on the internet, but appears to be mid-'60s. Both work -- the Guardsman surprisingly well considering it's 43 years past its "clean and lube" date. I cleaned up the case, and will either give it back to my grandmother or hang it on my own wall and use it as a regular clock. Hopefully whichever of us ends up with it will remember to wind it every Friday.

The Acroprint (powered off mains electricity so no worries about winding) is incredibly loud -- a "clunk" every minute as the gear-driven print wheel advances. That pales in comparison to the sound of it actually printing, which sounds like a large hammer hitting a human skull.

On that note, Jeffie finally got her mêlée hammer. Every time we're in a hardware store, she goes straight to the framing hammers, picks up the heaviest one she can find, and starts swinging it around while talking (loudly) about how nice it would be for bashing heads. I'm surprised we've never gotten thrown out of Sears for that.

jeffieisms, this is why i don't trust the government, hammer, getting old, timezone fuckery

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