I BLEEEP the candles on the shelf

Jan 07, 2008 07:08

Title is a line from this wonderful song.

Today is inventory day at work. So last night, I went in at 8 with the stockers, and together we undid all my work of the last few months.

I usually go in alone (well, the perishables guys are there stocking their sections, but I'm the only warm person there until the grocery stockers come in at 4am) while we're closed and face everything so it looks nice -- pulling everything up to the front, stacking the cans so you can't see the mess behind them, that sort of thing. Problem is, that makes it hard to count, so last night/this morning we blocked it instead, making everything as flat as possible. On the bright side, we also cleaned up the jumble behind the first row (caused by the stockers being careless, putting things in the wrong places, etc), so it should be easier to face in the future (tonight), once I get it all stacked back up.

On a related note, why the hell hasn't everybody switched to stackable cans? About half of 'em are the old-fashioned type that are identical on both ends, and half the good kind, where the bottom nests inside the top. Neither age nor company seem to have any bearing on the type of can in most cases; I'll pick up a stackable one and be all happy, and then the next twelve of that product will be the stupid kind. If you don't know what I'm talking about and wish to dig through your pantry to see, Campbell's soup and Chef Boyardee always have the good rim design on their standard sizes; big cans ("family size" and up) of any brand are always the old hard-to-stack style. (Vegetables may be either. Compare to soup to see the difference. Or preferably ravioli, as soup cans are tiny and the ravioli is the same size as veg.) It's really annoying when I'm stacking them four high and one deep, and the vibrations of my walking away are enough to make one fall over, usually taking its neighbors and their neighbors with it since the sides are touching.
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