if your not in 9-12th grade you D0NT NEED A FACEB00K.
01.29.06 3:02pm Kayla:why did you delete that post i put on your wall? if 09 is the lowest it goes then you shouldnt have a facebook....hint hint HiGH SCH00L FACEB00K not middle school
01.29.06 7:50pm NiCOLE:well im sorry that i got invited i didnt know it would bother you that bad..and HINT HINT im not the only 8th grader that has one..
01.29.06 8:28pm Kayla:yeah and you need to tell them not to have one either
01.30.06 6:50pm NiCOLE:uhh well im not bc im not gona sit here and try to tell ppl what to do bc thats rude..its none of my buisness..if they wana have one they can..so yeah.
01.30.06 6:51pm NiCOLE:&& im not bothering you so im not gona delete just bc you want me to or tell other ppl not to have one sorry.its not your place to tell me what i can and cant do.
01.30.06 7:33pm Kayla:look your N0T in high school... your in middle school.and alot of people dont like you having one cause your in MiDDLE SCH00L...so my advice..delete it.
01.31.06 4:34pm NiCOLE: i know im not in highschool and some ppl may not like that but its not my problem..so im sorry im deleting for ppl..espically since im NOT the only 8th grader. so just drop it..whatever you say isnt gona make me delete it so you are just wasting your time.
01.31.06 5:15pm Kayla:well i think you should put that you graduate in 10 if you can do that cause you dont graduate in my grade...
02.02.06 4:42pm NiCOLE:well it wont let me do it sorry get over it yoo shoodnt be making a big deal out of things that doesnt concern yoo! sorry bye
02.02.06 5:57pm Kayla:im sorry but this does concern me...this is my grade not yours and im sorry but that is an EMBRASSMENT to my grade.