I want -

May 29, 2010 14:10

There's probably something unethical about sitting in Blackwell's cafe and surfing Amazon.co.uk. But as it turns out I'm going to buy the books from Blackwell anyway, so no harm done eh?

And there are so many of them! Books, I mean. The Norrington room alone, in the basement of this shop alone, has more than 16000 titles on more than 3 miles of shelving - how would anyone ever read them all. How could anyone even begin to make a ripple in the dense, unfathomable viscosity of all words ever written, anyone even begin to lift a page of the interminable volume of human knowledge?

I have...8 textbooks back in my room. Contract, admin, tort, trusts. Not to mention juris books. Swathes of unread material, and the materials I have read I can just about summarise, with lots forgotten and sources in the footnotes mostly unexplored. How, how?

Different metaphors animate different people. Read an interview with Christopher Hitchens on his memoir, Hitch 22, and was struck by how he seemed very much into struggle, battle, strength, toughness, hardness, impermeability.

I want none of those things. Let me be soft and pliable - let me be open and permeable - I'd rather the clasps of my mind unbuckle, even snap, to let in the great book of everything - I'd rather drown like a lily in every distilled thought the world can offer me - I want - I, I, I -

self, uni

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