Rawr, Friday afternoon looked like it was going to suck balls.
& then I hungout with my friends and remembered why they were my friends and how they'll never let me feel like an [8]th wheel.
Saturday morning sucked exponentially more, and Elise picked me up and whisked me away to North Hampton.
& yet again reminded me why they're my best friends.
This week is finally here & I'm not sure what to do.
I should be studying AP right now, but I have no motivaton and my mind is so preoccupied with a million other things that really mean more to me than FDR's new deal and Reagan's supply side economics.
Prom is this Saturday, as if you didn't know.
I think.
I'll have.
A good.
I hope.
I'll have.
A better.
I'm very nervous about having so many people at my house and not really ever talking to Brett for the past month.
But on a brighter side of things, this weather is beautiful.
It reminds me of Italy so much.
I wish I was in a better mood and could enjoy it more, but everything little thing has got me down.
There are a million one-liners that could describe how I feel,
But I hate being cliche.
So I'll leave you with this:
Ciao, bellas!