Name: Deria LJ: ”fullmoonderia” Contact: Other Characters Played: N/A
Series: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Darkness/the Sky Character: Skyler the Chimchar(Main character) Timeline: During the exploration of Foggy Forest but before they reach the Groudon statue.
Personality:Skyler is a very courageous and adaptable person who’s able to quickly adjust to new situations, as shown by how easily he falls into becoming a Pokemon. Despite having no idea who he really, is he goes through his days the same as any other person. Smart, but not genius, he does have a knack for figuring some things out that others don’t…but by the same token, he can sometimes miss things that should be obvious. He’s not afraid to jump into the unknown, since he’s already mostly in it, and rarely backs down from a challenge
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Afterwards, the Pokemon asked Skyler to form an exploration team with it, having been impressed by how he handled himself and convinced that they’d be a great combination. With nowhere else to go, Skyler accepted the offer and they joined Wigglytuff’s guild as apprentice explorers
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While reporting this to Chatot, Skyler became convinced that the Pokemon he’d seen was Guildmaster Wigglytuff, and that he’d been in the cave already. Chatot found it hard to believe the Guildmaster would send them to a place he’d already explored and went to check. It turned out to be true, meaning Skyler had seen the past…unfortunately it also meant that their team got no credit for exploring the cave. Later Skyler learned two things from his partner: one that he always had his visions after touching something related to them, and also that his partner had already put all of his faith in and drew courage from him
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((AN: Even though I'm the one who decided gender/name/species, this background is completely canon and includes only things that happened within the storyline. I did not give any indication of what Pokemon the partner is because someone might want to play him/her.))
Abilities/Additional Notes:Dimensional Scream: Skyler’s trademark ability. On occasion, while in the presence of someone he really trusts, he’ll see or hear an event in the past or future of a person or thing he touches. This apparently happens at random, since he has no control over it. When activated, he appears to suffer a slight dizzy spell just before the vision
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LJ: ”fullmoonderia”
Other Characters Played: N/A
Series: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Darkness/the Sky
Character: Skyler the Chimchar(Main character)
Timeline: During the exploration of Foggy Forest but before they reach the Groudon statue.
Personality:Skyler is a very courageous and adaptable person who’s able to quickly adjust to new situations, as shown by how easily he falls into becoming a Pokemon. Despite having no idea who he really, is he goes through his days the same as any other person. Smart, but not genius, he does have a knack for figuring some things out that others don’t…but by the same token, he can sometimes miss things that should be obvious. He’s not afraid to jump into the unknown, since he’s already mostly in it, and rarely backs down from a challenge ( ... )
Abilities/Additional Notes:Dimensional Scream: Skyler’s trademark ability. On occasion, while in the presence of someone he really trusts, he’ll see or hear an event in the past or future of a person or thing he touches. This apparently happens at random, since he has no control over it. When activated, he appears to suffer a slight dizzy spell just before the vision ( ... )
Please be sure to do the following so you can get started:
Reply to this, letting us know whether or not you would like an arrival log for your character.
Join 3step_paradise, 3steplogs, and 3stepsooc.
Go to the Friend add/remove and Taken pages to add yourself and friend everyone.
If you had a Reservation, please let us know that it was accepted so in case we miss it.
Introduce yourself in the OOC comm, and jump right into the game!
And yes, I would like to do a log for arrival...and am open to sharing a log with other new arrivals if they'd like.
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