.:The Law:.

Jul 24, 2009 21:47


▲ Treat others the way you want them to treat you. In other words, be respectful and nice to each other. We’re here to have fun.

▲ We would discourage cliques (people that only play with a select group of players) because it can lead to players feeling excluded. However, we are aware that there are people some characters would and won’t interact with.

▲ Keep the OOC drama outside of the game, It’ll be more fun for everyone that way. If there is a serious problem that players are having trouble resolving, please bring it to the mods.

▲ Harassment is intolerable. This includes sexual harassment as well as pestering others for plots they’re not interested in or personal information. Continued harassment of others will result in the offender being banned from the community.

▲ No Godmoding. Nobody likes having their characters controlled or affected in any way without their permission, so don’t do it.

▲ No Infomodding. OOC knowledge is useless in-game unless it was gained in-game. If it wasn’t don’t use it.

▲ Levels are a way to track the growth of game-based characters. While some canons do use the term “leveled up” or other such terms to note noticeable growth, there will be no set growth through levels in this game.

▲ If you would like to have an unscheduled player event, please notify the mods at least three days ahead of time for approval. Be sure to also discuss it with players involved.

▲ There will be no limit to powers or special abilities, because we're trusting players to be responible with them...but remember, the powers that be don't appreciate the overuse of powers.

▲ Stay active and in-character. We know that you probably have a life offline, but we ask that you try to post at least once every two weeks. We also realize that characters change and adapt to new situations, but there are behaviors they just will NOT have.

▲ Keep your friends list updated. It’s hard to keep track of things otherwise.

▲ This game is not rated, but anything that is R-rated needs to be put under a cut and NC-17 be friends locked.

▲ This is an English-speaking community, so for those who are not native English speakers, please try to use your best English. Native English speakers, please be understanding toward the non-native English speakers. For details about exceptions, please refer to this section in the FAQ.


▲ This is a multifandom rp, but original characters are also appable for the first application, but please refrain from making them undefeatable persons who can destroy the universe with a thought.

▲ Please fill out the application completely and without plagiarism. We don’t mind some similarities, but we’d like to know it’s your work.

▲ You may submit one app every two weeks. If we ask you to expand or revise something you have a week to contact us, including asking us for more time.

▲ It is possible for one player to app two characters from the same series, but approval will be determined as much by the risk of playercest (determined by both the character and canon) as by the app itself.

▲ The gods of the various universes don’t like the little amusement that Stride, Gait, and Traipse have set up. Therefore they will be sending in their own “advocates” to interact directly with these three deities as well as with the people in the game. If you would like to have your character be such a person, please include this and why you think they would be good for this position in your application.

▲ Remember to check the FAQ page for any question you might have, failing that PM the mod account or hit us with an e-mail.


▲ The requirement for one post every two weeks includes any of the following: one journal post or log, one quicklog of 25 comments or more, and at least 25 or more IC comments in other people’s journals.

▲ If you’re going to be absent from the community for more than a week, please post a hiatus in the OOC community so that the mods and players are aware of it. We ask that a hiatus not last more than two months straight. Any longer and it needs to be decided whether you have time in the near future to continue playing your character(s) or if it’s better for you to drop.

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